1- I'll Send a Postcard on my Next Trip

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1- I'll Send a Postcard on my Next Trip

Although it was the first day of school, I knew my way around. It was my second year of Addison high school.

I was walking to class when a kid came tearing down the crowded hallway. I tried to get out of the maniac's path, but too late--bam!

He hit me hard in the side of the shoulder, and I fell back, hitting my butt on the ground. I turned around too see that the kid hadn't even stopped. He was still plowing on. Anger surged through me.

"Are you okay?" asked a few kids as I got back up. "I'm fine," I lied, brushing off my Nike swish pants. I was incredibly mad at that dumb kid, in pain, and embarrassed, but I didn't necessarily need everyone to know that. I continued walking to class.

Walking in, I searched through the tides of kids for anyone I knew from the year before. I saw lots of strangers but also, my best friend Lucy. We suited each other well. She was outgoing while I was more shy. "Hi," I said, approaching her.

"Hi!" Lucy said energetically, giving me a hug. "Long time no see! Did you move to Alaska over the summer or something?"

"Ha, ha," I said, leaning against a desk. "We've texted."

"Maybe, like once," said Lucy. "We didn't hang out a lot, though. But hey! We get to be in the same class again. Two in a row!" Lucy and I had only met last year. Even though I moved to Addison two years ago, for a time I didn't really want friends. I had only started being social last year. I had been a total introvert, and still was, but not so much anymore.

"Yep," I said. "You've gotten taller."

"I know," Lucy groaned. "My feet grew three sizes over the summer. Three! And I bet I all my pants are too short now!"

"Bummer," I said. "That's why I wear baggy clothes. I can grow into them." I gestured towards my big yellow Camp Nathan t-shirt and swish pants.

"Don't you sweat?" Lucy asked.

"Not much," I replied. "I get cold easily."

The classroom door closed with such a snap that everyone got quiet. I craned my neck over the sea of kids to get a look at my homeroom teacher, Miss Gurber.

She was young, wearing jeans, sneakers, and an iguana green shirt that said "Addison High" on it in orange. Those are our school colors, orange and green. And our school mascot is a bulldog.

"Hello, everybody!" Miss Gurber said. "I'm your teacher this year, Miss Gurber. And in case you didn't know, I teach English."

Miss Gurber gave us our seats. Since Lucy and I's last names both start with M, we sat next to each other.

Once 45 minutes had passed, I trooped to my next class, Science, which I was terrible at. The white board said 'Choose your seat', so I plunked down in the back row. I don't like sitting in the front because those kids are called on more. Meanwhile, Lucy was heading to geometry.

The football students strutted in. I recognized them. They were Joe Fontaine, Matt Dixon and Chris Wilson. And of course, they chose the back row too.

And of course, there were only four seats in the back row. They were all taken up now. I was completely alone at a table of boys. As if my social skills weren't bad enough.

"Hey, sweet thing," Joe said, whistling at me. My ears turned red, but I ignored him, knowing he just wanted a reaction.

Joe leaned in my face. "I said, hey." He obviously wasn't used to being ignored. I swatted my hand to the side hitting him in the face. I didn't hit him that hard, but he got the message as Chris and Matt went, "Oooh!"

I gave a glance their way, then did a double take. I glared at Matt. "You!" I spat angrily.

"What, dear?" Matt teased, fluttering his eyelashes at me.

"You knocked me down in the hallway this morning! You were running like a freakin' psycho!"

Matt smiled. "Nah," he said. "You wish I did." Earning him high-five from his buddies. I glowered at him darkly and turned away as the teacher began talking.


Later that day, as I began walking home, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun around, to see someone I didn't expect. Matt.

"Ugh, what do you want?" I groaned, putting a hand on my hip.

Matt copied me. "Ugh, I wanted to apologize," he mimicked.

I stood there. "Well, go ahead," I said. "Apologize. "

He rubbed his arm and looked at the ground like he'd find an apology there. "I'm sorry I bumped into you in the hall," he said grudgingly.

"You should be," I said. "I gotta go, bye." I turned around and started walking, but he grabbed my arm. "What?" I complained, thinking, 'What have I ever done to deserve this?'

"Your turn to apologize!" He said. I laughed out loud.

"Like I owe you an apology," I said. "You're the one who ran me over."

"Yeah, for being a total bitch in science!" He shot back.

"That tears it!" I said, tackling him. Not expecting the blow, he fell back. I fell on top of him and my head fell against his, my lips smacking his forehead accidentally.

"Awh, if you wanted a kiss, you could've just asked, babe," he whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist. Before I could say or do anything, he planted a kiss on my lips.

"Eugh, gag me!" I said, struggling up. I jogged a good distance away from him before slowing back to a walk. I made my way home wiping Matt DNA off my lips. Blech!!

I walked inside our house and jumped down on the couch, clicking on the TV. I decided to pop in Frozen and began watching it. It was definitely the best Disney movie, and I loved the whole 'Girls can be the heroes too' characteristic.

I felt a poke in my side and screamed, slapping my hand backwards. I felt it connect with somebody's head and scrambled off the couch to see the culprit. Mom was at work, Dad was long gone, and my siblings didn't live at home anymore, so I had no idea who it could be.

Surprise, surprise. Matt.

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