6- Close Encounter of the Worst Kind

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"I just don't understand why we're going to Matt Dixon's house," Lucy said as she drove. "Have you met the guy?"

"Yes, and this is for revenge," I told her. "He told me he stole my poem for Gurber's class. So I wrote a new one and ran to school like an idiot to give it to her, and it turns out he had lied."

"So how're you gonna get revenge?"

"I can't say. It's top-secret information."

"In other words...you don't know?"



"I'm staying here," Lucy told me as she pulled into the driveway of my nemesis's house. I hopped out. "Cool," I said. "This shouldn't take long."

I knocked on the door, taking in the huge house. It was light blue and gorgeous. A moment later the door opened to reveal a plump woman with a magenta sweater on. "Hello?" she said uncertainly.

"Uh, hi," I said. "I'm looking for Matt Dixon? We're friends from school."

Her face lit up. "Of course! Matt!" She called. "You have a friend over!"

Matt walked to the door with a surprised face. "Mathews?" he asked, shocked. I nodded. "Can we talk?"

"Yeah, sure," he said uncertainly, gesturing for me to come inside. "Let's go up in my room."

I followed him into his room, which was covered in posters of half dressed women. Ugh. Once he closed the door I pushed him against the wall with my hand around his throat to keep him from wriggling away. "What is your problem with me?" I asked. "Seriously. Tell me, please."

"Problem? What problem? I don't have a problem."

"Bull shit!" I yelled. "You have been hanging along with me, being a jerk, everything but nice to me. I'm sick of it. What's your deal? Do you want money or something?"

"Money?" Matt asked. "Have you looked around? We're swimming in money."

"If it's not money, what is it? Why are you being such a bitch?"

Matt grabbed my shoulder and wrenched me forwards. I squeezed my eyes shut, sure he was going to hit me, but instead his lips crashed into mine. I stayed still. But then, I kissed him back. Our lips molded together into one pair. His tongue swiped across my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I parted my lips to let his tongue explore my mouth. I was out of breath and my heart was racing. It felt...nice. I wrapped my arms around him securely; a hug.

Then he pushed me away. I stumbled. "What was that?" I asked. "Why the surprise kiss?"

"Get out," Matt whispered deadly.

"No," I said. "I need some answers."

"GET OUT!" Matt roared, pushing me out of his room. I stumbled down the stairs and fled, rushing into Lucy's car.

"Well?" She asked. "How'd it go?"

So I told her everything that happened. When I was done, she said, "What the fuck? Does he like you? He likes you!"

"Shut up," I teased. "It was weird. I need to Wikipedia this and find out what it means. Home, please."

Lucy nodded and drove me home. I thanked her and got out, going back into my house. Did Matt like me? I doubted it.

I got on my phone and saw a missed text. It was from Matt.

[Matt] Yeah...we definetly need to talk. Meet me at the park tonight at midnight. <3

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