11- The Fall of The Sweatpants Empire

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11- The Fall of The Sweatpants Empire

That day, I went home and decided to change out of my jeans into comfortable sweats.

I had stopped trying to beat the heat in just undies.

You get why.

I opened my closet door and screamed. Why? You might be wondering. Because all of my clothes were gone, replaced with skinny jeans, the slutty shirts all the girls from Addison wore, sparkly belts, even a dress. I noticed a Post-it stuck to the inside of the door, and peeled it off to read the message:

Honey, if you're gonna be popular, you gotta dress popular. Well, like a popular...you get it. Welcome to your own personal slut boutique.


I groaned, but I guess I could see his point. I just didn't dress like popular girls do. Still, that jerkoff hadn't even the decency to leave me one pair of sweatpants!


The next day at school, I arrived in skinny jeans, a sparkling slim pink belt, and a translucent pink button-up over a white tank top. Lucy picked the outfit for me, if you were actually thick enough to think I chose it myself.

Matt whistled as I approached. "Whoo!" he said loudly, "Looking good, Mathews!" I rolled my eyes and hoped I didn't blush.

"I hate you," I told him. "I really do."

Matthew I hate you,

Matthew I do,

When we're apart

My heart

Is like, Thank God.

"What was that little song?" Matt asked with an amused expression.

"Oh God, I said that out loud, didn't I?" I asked, annoyed.

"Yes, yes you did," he fluttered his eyelashes up and down. I rolled my eyes.

"That's a girl thing," I told him.

"How would you know?"

I stomped on his foot.


The dance is in a week and I still don't have a dress!" Lucy complained over Skype. I rolled my eyes.

"You have, like, four million dresses."

"I have three."

"Practically the same thing," I groaned, falling back into my bed. "Wear one of those."

"No-o-o," she crossed her arms. "I need a really pretty one."

"You want a pretty dress? Then why are you coming to me? You're the one that has to pick out my outfits for me."

"Please," Lucy begged, "just come dress shopping with me. I'll love you forever!"

"Not a very tempting offer."

She groaned, and then a smirk hitched itself onto her face. "Matt gave me all your old clothes to store. I'll give them back if you come with me."

I sat up. "So what store are we going to?"


A day later, Matt and I sat on a plush couch in some pristine dress shop Lucy dragged us to. And by sat, I mean we were lounging, draped over the arms, with our heads close to each other's. Matt had come with the promise of pizza afterwards, and also because I'd begged a little. Don't judge.

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