5- Reckless Monsters

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5- Reckless Monsters

The next day, I felt very evil as I walked into school. Matt was going to get screwed, but he was a douche and deserved comeuppance. I drummed my fingers on the desk nervously.

After decades, the bell rang. Matt rushed in, looking windswept, right as it rang. I looked away. I was a horrible liar, I couldn't make eye contact at all costs.

Finally Miss Gurber came in and told us to "Turn in your poems for grading, done or not."

I passed it forwards, trying to hide an evil grin, an obvious giveaway. It was passed to Miss Gurber. I let out a sigh of relief. Matt is going the fuck down, I thought happily. I couldn't wait to be done with that guy. As in, I was tired of having him in my life.

"Seems like someone forgot theirs," Miss Gurber said, shuffling the papers.

"How irresponsible," I said calmly, doing a happy dance inside.


After school, while Mom was still at work, I got a knock on the door. I peeked through the blinds. I couldn't see the person from the window's position, so instead I looked for a car. I saw a red Bugatti, holy shit! The person outside the door must've been loaded.

I opened the door, "He--fuck." Matt stepped inside and closed the door, his face unreadable. Why the fuck had this reckless monster shoved his way into my life?


"What do you want?" I groaned. "Can you stop with the surprise after-school trips?"

"Nah, I don't think so," Matt Dixon smirked. "I just wanted to ask why your poem wasn't turned in."

"Don't you mean, why your poem wasn't turned in?"

"No, I meant yours. Mine goes like this." He recited my entire poem and finished with an evil smirk. The wheels in my brain began turning.

"You...you motherfucker!" I sputtered angrily, "You put your name on my poem? Fuck you!"

"Anyways, see ya later, babe," Matt smirked. He pecked my cheek and walked out the door as I wiped it off in disgust. He climbed in the passenger side and I saw that James was driving. It made sense, because his dad owned some huge company that sold paper. They would have the money for a Bugatti.

I watched them pull away. Once they had gone, I scribbled down yet another poem. It wasn't the best I'd ever done, but it was better than nothing.

I hauled ass back to school and rushed into Miss Gurber's room. Thank God, she was still there, getting ready to leave. "Miss--Gurber!" I panted; I'd been sprinting. "Have--paper--class."

"Huh?" she swung her purse onto her shoulder. "Take a breath, hon."

I clutched a stitch in my side and tried again, "I have my poem for class today. I'm sorry about not having it today."

"Huh?" Miss Gurber looked confused. "I read yours, it was one of the better ones in class. Lots of kids couldn't rhyme to save their lives."

I screamed internally.




I guess I couldn't expect anything else from him. I apologised to Miss Gurber and thanked her for the compliment before leaving, feeling like an idiot. I jumped onto Facebook and got on Matt's page. His address was on there, yes!!

I called Mom. "Can I go down to...a friend's house?"

"Which friend?"

"Uhm. Lucy?"

"Sure. Be home by six, okay honey?"

"'Kay. See you." I hung up and called Lucy. "Hey, can you give me a ride?"

"Where to?"


"Matt Dixon?"

"Uhm. Yeah."

She was quiet for a minute.

"Yeah. I'll be right over."

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