7- Holly Makes It Not So Jolly (Who Knew?)

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[Delilah] Midnight? Why not 6:30?

[Matt] I can't...family stuff. I'll be there @ 12am.

[Delilah] what if I don't show?

[Matt] then I'll know.

[Delilah] What? know what?!

6:03 PM

[Delilah] Hello? You'll know what!


6:48 PM

[Delilah] Matthew Dixon, tell me what you will know. that you're crazy?

7:19 PM

[Delilah] you're stupid. and immature. and I'm done with you. I am DONE. (-.-)

7:25 PM

[Delilah] so are u gonna answer me, or wat?


I paced my room like I had been doing the past hour. I checked the clock impatiently. It read 11:13. I groaned. I could hear my mom watching TV downstairs, and I knew I couldn't sneak out until she went to bed. I was getting frustrated.

Twenty minutes later she was still watching the tube. I kicked my desk angrily. "Ugh, I wish the power would go out!" I said exasperatedly, turning around to pace more.

I stopped.

I thought.

The circuit breaker was in the basement.

Quietly as a mouse, I snuck down the stairs. Mom was still watching Jimmy Kimmel. I sighed and laid down on the floor to commando-crawl past the couch. I wriggled like a worm to the stairs into the basement which was to the right of the stairs to the upper floor and to the right of the couch as well. From there I scootched on my butt down the stairs which could sometimes creak. I made my way into the basement.

"Ah-ha!" I whispered when I found the control panel. I opened it up and flipped a switch. Nothing. I tried another. The lights around me went out. Oops. I turned them back on and tried another. I heard Jimmy Kimmel go silent. "Yes," I breathed," turning off the basement light. I wanted it to seem like all the power in the house went out.

I snuck back upstairs and acted like I'd just come from my room. "The power in my room went out!" I said to Mom, who was trying to turn the lights back on.

"Down here too," she said. "I should go check the circuit breaker."

"No!" I jumped in front of her. "I mean, uh, I'll check for you."

"Okay," Mom accepted my offer. "I'll grab you a flashlight."

She went into the kitchen and felt around for the junk drawer. She located a flashlight and tossed it to me. I went back downstairs and texted Lucy of my plan while Mom assumed I was messing with the panel.

Exactly six minutes later I came back up. "Nothing worked," I told her. "Maybe it will come back on tomorrow."

"Maybe," Mom said. "I'm going to bed, sweet pea. You should too because it's a school night."

I nodded. "Okay," I said, well aware of it. I was going to be so tired the next day. I ran back upstairs, but instead of going to bed, I changed out of my pajamas--my decoy clothes-- and into my regular Nike swish pants and a hoodie, because I was sure it would be chilly out, not to mention how easily I got cold.

Once dressed in the proper attire, I listened for Mom's vacuum-cleaner snores. When I heard them, I knew the coast was clear to leave. I snuck down the stairs quietly before slipping out the door. I didn't want to ride my motorcycle--it was too loud, it would wake my mom--so I ran the whole way.


When I got there it was 11:45. I was early, but still, I saw Matt silhouetted against the lake. I jogged to him, tired from full out sprinting the entire way.

"Matt," I said to get his attention. He turned to me. "Mathews," he said in a no-emotion voice. "You came."

"No, I didnt," I said sarcastically. He shoved his hands in his pockets.

"So...." I said akwardly. "We kissed. Four times. But we hate each other. What's up with that?"

Matt shrugged and was quiet for a minute before saying, "The first kiss was just to irritate you. So it didn't really count, and that's why I kissed you again, for my list. The third one, on your cheek, again, to irritate you."

"And, the fourth," I said quietly.

"The fourth," Matt sighed. "I don't know. I don't."

"Do you think you...like me?" I asked in the dark park.

"I can't," he told me, and my heart sunk. Part of me hated him, but another part wanted him to like me. What the heck? "I'm dating someone."

"What?!" I exclaimed too loudly.
"Yeah," Matt stared at the ground. "Her name is Holly. We started dating today."

"And you didn't tell me because...?"

"What did you expect? I'm an even bigger player than my dad, who's been married 7 times. Seven!"

"So Holly is just okay with us kissing?"

"She doesn't know. Please don't tell her. Listen, Delilah..."

"Whoa, whoa whoa!" I interrupted. "You just called me by my first name. The heck bro?"

He ignored me and said, "Delilah, you're cool and all, but we don't mix. People like me and people like you. I mean, hanging out would be okay, but no dating. Not even if Holly wasn't in the picture."

"Okay," I said. A Matt free life! I turned to leave.

"What? No goodbye kiss?" he asked. A smile played on my face. He was so weird. I turned, kissed my finger, and tapped Matt's nose with that same finger.

"Not good enough," he said. "But don't look too far into this. Holly hasn't kissed me yet. She's 'waiting for the perfect moment' or whatever. It's a bunch of bullshit." He wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer, and kissed me tenderly. When it was over, I said, "By the way, you made my first kiss pretty good."

"You never kissed anyone before me?" he asked in disbelief and amusement. "Lawl."

"Shut up," I flicked his cheek, realizing I'd just confessed to him that I never kissed anybody.

"Well, bye," Matt said.

"Bye, even though you never answered why you kissed me at your house today."

"I did answer, I said 'I don't know'," he called, walking away. And then he was gone.

~End of chapter~

So, sorry it took forever to update and then the chapter ended up being really short.

Luckily, school's out for the summer (Pretty sure that's from High School Musical) and I can write more. Yaay!!

Okay, you know the drill.




Peace on the streets


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