Persuasion..Hopefully it works

283 16 171

Tw for mentions of blood in this chapter

3rd POV

A burning sensation surrounded his body, it stung, a lot. The pain felt like static, almost unreal, his chest area had heavy pressure on it, rendering breathing almost impossible.

He doesn't know when or how but he was standing in a room, a gray room, he assumed it was made out of diorite. In front of him was a charcoal black, humanoid skull. The sides of the skull looked like there were cracks forming on them, until the skull broke under his strength, he turned to his left and opened a black chest with green particles hovering around it, once he opened the mystery chest a wave of cold hit him.

And again, he's transported to a clearing, a red blur was in his right hand and a flint 'n steal in his other. He placed the blur on the nauseating ground in front of him before lighting it and bolting the other direction. As soon as the explosion registered in his ears, inhumane screams came from the direction.

His view changed to scattered debri on the ground, he used a large piece of debri to shield himself from whatever made the unholy shrieking in the background. He heard whimpering– wait whimpering? A yellow humanoid silhouette entered his pereferal vision and they were whimpering, the whimpering slowly shifted to soft sobs. He held the figure close and muttered incoherent words to them which caused the yellow figure's soft sobbing turn to occasional hiccups.

The air around him felt polluted, not one wiff of sweet, clean air. Everytime he breathed he felt his lungs burn  painfully and endlessly. His vision was covered with fog and smoke. A scent of fire flew in the air, then the smoke disappeared revealing a gruesome scene, though it was mostly overshadowed by raging flames, there were glances of blurry, colorful, motionless silhouettes on the ground. A laugh echoed through the ruins of whatever region this was, a laugh that held so much malicious intent that it practically spilled to the ground. A laugh filled with nothing but insanity, a laugh more sinister than Hypno's.

Then, the scenery fell silent, deafening silence. He looked down and saw a sword through his chest, it was stained with blood, his blood. He felt the sword getting pulled out and he turned around and saw a mostly broken clock mask, exposing the blue Steve behind the cloak and mask, tears were streaming down their face. Another Steve was next to them, they were holding them up by putting their free arm underneath the other's arm pit. The Steve seemed to have green hair but had dark skin so they couldn't be a green Steve, their outfit seemed to be elemental themed that's for sure. The other looked up and stared directly at him, their pupils replaced with a fire symbol and a water symbol before they said something muffled along the lines of 'F— –u– Sa—e' before a blurred white line introduced itself onto their face as he fell to his knees and fell face to the ground..

Sabre's POV

His eyes bolt open, pupils dilated, heart practically beating out of his chest. His breathing was erratic and he was sweating like crazy.

It was a nightmare.

Thank The World Beyond, he sighs in relief as he felt his whole body ease up. He catches his breath and makes it steady again, he wiped the sweat off his forehead before he slumped backwards to a hard surface. "Ack!-" He whisper-yelled before rubbing the back of his head and looking at whatever the hard surface was, it was a tree trunk. He groaned before putting his back against the trunk of the tree before beginning to wonder.

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