1. Lets party!

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"And that's all! i would say come back nextttt,, Saturday? yeah Saturday to see more! make sure to send as many questions as possible and i might be able to answer them all!! oh and make sure to check out my other socials for early uploads or updates, byeeee!"

As soon as fan turned off his blog, he'd wash his glasses, but them back on and sigh in tiredness

"mmmnnn...so tired..."

"i have to have an idea for my blog by next Saturday!...shitttt, i have no ideas..."

( "think fan think!!" )

he said in his head as he would close his eyes and try to think

"No ideasss..."

he sighed in stress as he took off his glasses, he blinked a couple of times and it would look a little bit blurry

he then grabbed his phone as it blew up with notifications and messages

"Wow that was...fast..."

fan scrolled on one of his socials to look for ideas for his new blog. Eventually, fan would see a hashtag on one of his friends photos so he clicked on it to see...way more people then he expected, the hashtag would be #neighborhoodparty, he would smile at the hashtag and then ideas would start going through his head

"ooooo! Maybe i can host a party in this neighborhood!! no, i will, so many others would see my blog!! and it can be the biggest party in this neighborhood!"

fan would put his phone down and smile brightly, fan then grabbed his house keys and left his house, then locking it.

Fan would go to the corner store and get a bunch of party supplies

as soon as he got the bags for the supplies he would run out of the store and run back home and start getting ready for the party. while he did / made a post on his neighborhoods hashtag to get his neighborhoods attention of course, he then made a post about a party at his house in 1 hour! He would finish up and waited for other to come over,,,,it took a while for them to see the post and come over


in 30 minutes the house would then be full of guests who were ready to part and fan ready to just blog it all!


later on in the party, fan would have posted videos and pictures on his blog about the party and the neighborhood. he was pretty bored, as he did everything he wanted and needed to do. But it just wouldnt be it.

( "something just needs to happen" ) As fan thought in his head, he kept thinking of things to make this party better as he saw people at his party was also getting bored. He'd finally come up with something, he went into his kitchen and grabbed dish soap and then when everyone was not drinking their drink he'd put 2 half's of soap into their cups and stirred it in them, to him this would be just a harmless prank, he thought nothing bad would happen. when some people drank their drink they start to feel a lump in their throat and some would even start to cough to due feeling like their mouth was dry.

the people would pass out. others would then panic and just scream thinking that the people was dead, they all ran out of the house while fan didn't know what to do in that moment, fan tried to get everyone back in the house but they already have left. Fan would look at the remaining 10 passed out others angrily, the remaining 10 would be, Paintbrush, Clover, Nickle, Yinyang, Cheesy, Lightbulb, soap, cherries, balloon and microphone. Fan would drag them into a room with sound proof walls in his house, at first when he moved in he didn't know what this would could be used for but now, i guess it could be used for this situation. as he finished tying them against a grey wall. he'd sit there and wait for them to eventually wake up

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