4. Reality check.

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By the next morning, fan would already be up as he was up all day and night on his phone trying to see if his recent blog could get any views, which it didnt. Fan then groaned as he got up from the floor and went into his bathroom.

"Jesus,,,i look like a mess..." Fan said to himself as he looked in the mirror. he then grabbed his toothbrush and brushed his teeth. right after he brushed his teeth he took off his glasses and did a wash up. After he finished his wash up, He tried to make his eye bags not visible. He then put his glasses back on and left the bathroom. 

he made himself toast with jam. 

As he ate the toast with jam, He went to the room and saw that paintbrush was gone, now there was 8 others, Sliver was asleep by the window.

Fan would then get upset

"SLIVER." Fan yelled his name waking him and the others 


"Uh....I let them go."

Fan would smile out of rage, He then grabbed a knife about 8 inches long, he threw it near Sliver spoons head as a threat and a warning 

"Your getting on my last nerve Sliver Spoon...i might as well make you a hostage as well....."

Fan then cleared his throat.

"Wanna know a secret Sliver Spoon..?"

Fan walked over to Sliver spoon as he grabbed bleach.

he whispered, 

"I will fucking pour this all over you...I will make you blind...or i can set a fire on you.....i-"

Sliver whispered back 

"Do it..."


"You wont. Your to afraid to do it cause you dont wanna hurt others?. But you've hurt them...so..."

"U-Uh no..!..."

Fan would start to actually get scared

"Your scared fan. You dont wanna hurt anyone else cause looked what happened when you took all your anger out on them."

"shut up..."

"Your...too...scared. Arent you...?"

Fan would look down as he dropped the bleach, he had tears in his eyes as he knew, he didnt wanna hurt anyone, he just took his anger out on everyone else...but it had to be that way for him at least, who else would he take his anger out on. he had nobody.

"Shut up....shut up.." he mumbled under his breath

"What was that...?"

"SHUT UP." Fan said as he tackled Sliver spoon down.

he would cry very hard, like he was running out of breath. So at that point and just tackled and kept on hitting on Sliver

Sliver spoon would push fan off of him. Sliver would look at him like he was crazy 

All he did when he got pushed off was cry hard, he took off his glasses, he had hiccups. every breath he took was a hiccup. but then he felt like he couldn't breath so he ran out of the room and into his bathroom.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck....." He whispered under his breath as he wet his hands and rubbed his wet hands on his eyes. He leaned against the bathroom door, sobbing...and just thinking about actual reality...all he could think about is harming someone or himself....he went to his kitchen and grabbed a small knife and went back to the bathroom. he tried to harm himself but..couldnt do it. he was Shakey, he dropped the knife on the cold floor and he then lay down on the floor and sobbed his eyes out  

"H-He's right...I-Im scared..." 

He said to himself. he grabbed a pill bottle which was one of his meds and took them...to calm him down, he then looked down and closed his eyes. And just forgot about...all his worries... and troubles...he had to focus on what he was doing before he started crying and how he was getting lectured by sliver. he sat up and smiled softly. he grabbed the knife on the floor and got up. he slowly opened the bathroom door and went to the room he was in before, he slowly opened the door with a smile.

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