8. Friends with benefits of course!

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Fan would wake up with bags under their eyes. He have a stuffy nose, from the last time he cried

He'd then sit up and yawn,  he checked his phone to see 9+ notifications/messages from test tube...he didn't wanna check it but he had to he never saw so many sad faces in 29 messages, so he decided to call her up. 

"Look...Test tube-"


"I do like/love you too Fan its just...how about this, we can be friends with benefits!"

"..." Fan didnt know what to do or say.. He was stumped

"Uh s-sure!"  Fan's voice would be wobbly when he said the 2 words

"You do know what friends with benefits means right?.." Fan questioned with his voice still wobbly 

"Yeah, Yeah! But we'll still be friends?" 


Test tube immediately hanged up and knocked on fans door, Fan would be confused and open the door to see Test tube's smile


Test Tube would hug Fan softly

"I'm glad you confessed to me Fan! So i could say all the stuff that I felt in my stomach whenever I was around you"

Fan would bring test tube to his level and kiss her, Test tube would be shocked but it was friends with benefits, she kissed back, Fan would hold Test tubes hand while Making out with her (( lmao )) next thing they both know it they would be on the couch, just casually making out, It would make both of their problems go away. The more they make out, The more they start to get closer and closer...


47 minutes would pass by and they would be sitting up, looking nervous ...

"Lord you was good at that-..."

"-.....I think you got some liquid on the couch-..."

They didnt know what to say after that

"So what do we do..-"

"...I dunno..." Fan Looked down and see the mess they made

"i recommend not looking down assss im gonna go wash my hands and get a drink of water"

"Alright.." Test tube said fixing her glasses, she then stood up without looking at the ground

"This is awkwardddd" Test tube would smile while she looked to the side

Fan would laugh a little 

"Want some water?"

"Yeah!" Test tube ran to fan and grabbed the other glass of water on the counter

for the rest of the morning, they would giggle their asses off


Test tube would be leaving at this point of the time

"Bye Fan!! Wanna try again tomorrow?"

"Uh sure why not! Bye Test Tube!!" He smiled with blush on his face, before he could kiss test tube, she would leave him and close the door quietly.

Fan smile would slowly fade as he actually went into his room, it was a nice and clean bedroom. he would start to zone out and over think and soon as he sat on his bed

[ FANS THOUGHTS/POV: What if...she's using me for pleasure...what if... she wanted to be friends with benefits with me because...all she cared about was just using me when she was so.. ]

He'd be upset and ball his fists up but...he didnt punch anything, he didnt take his anger out on anything but..he did sit up and go to the kitchen and grab a small box cutting knife and go into his room. he leaned against the door. He looked down at his left wrists...put the knife close and closer to his wrist until......

"OW-!...." He teared up a bit while doing it...but when he finished he stopped. He felt...less sad...this was the only situation for him atleast to stop this ongoing crying and etc....he did it again...and again...until he reached up to 6. He then close his eyes...he breathed in and out. He then would put the knife under his bed and walked out of his room, Hoping no one else but test tube would come to visit only..and not to go in his room. 


He'd drink some juice. as he finished drinking juice he would grab his handy baseball bat and go to the room 

"Some Torturing will help me forget about!...these scars and test tube!!" Fan smiled while he looked over to the side as he went into the room

"Helloooo! Im back!~" Fan smiled at all of them, he then looked at Sliver spoon. He looked weaker then ever

"Mmmmnnn..." Sliver coughed and rubbed his eyes and looked at Fan

"Yeahh Fan...?"

Fan turned to Sliver 

"Who told you to speak Sliver?"

"..." He looked to the side

"Speak when i tell you to speak."

Sliver looked at Fans wrists and stared

Fan would shortly notice that Sliver was looking at his wrists and back up from Sliver spoon

"You uh...wasn't supposed to see that."

Fan would grab the remote and pick the slightest/lightest Mode to shock them

It would still hurt to Sliver spoon but Fan wanted to see pain, he already felt the pain he did to himself so why not see others in the same pain. 

He smiled while watching him shake, he then turned it off. 

"Learn your place Sliver." Fan said as he turned away and smiled at the 8

"Okayyy......Balloon...Its finally your time to shine!" Fan said as he grabbed a bottle of Apple cider Vinegar and opened the bottle, He then shoved the liquid in the bottle down his throat, the whole bottle. After the liquid was gone, he removed it from his mouth and heard Balloon choking, fan then backed up, And Balloon would puke up a mess...he couldnt stop puking, he then would come up to the point where blood would come with his through up as well...he finally stopped puking for once and looked down to see the mess. He Almost puked up again but swallowed it, But when he swallowed it, it just felt worse...he couldnt handle it and kept puking and puking and puking the others would start to feel..worried for Balloon, Fan would smile and then leave the room, with the bat. Smiling smugly

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