10. The benefits of Bonding

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Fan would wake up in his bed, he yawned and left his bed. He then went into his bathroom and brushed his teeth. It was still early in the morning so the hostages was still asleep  Fan decided to fix some things with Sliver Spoon as he has been harsh to him. He'd unlock the room and walk in to see Sliver still awake, Fan would go up to Sliver 

he whispered "Sliverrr i thought i told you to go to sleep"

"...I didnt feel tired so why go to sleep"

"Im..Worried about you alright"

Sliver spoon sat up and looked at fan in slight shock

"Are you Fan?

Fan laughed quietly "Yeah, I worry about people that i actually...like being around"


"I know, I know, You happen to be one of those people and i thought, I should stop doing this to em. So yeah" Fan smiled at Sliver Spoon softly 

"Well, Im glad to be one of those people Fan"

"I almost forgot what i was here for! Came to get you out of here for a while"


"Real not really, but you get to leave this room!"

"Thats still okay i guess?"

"Okay!" Fan took Sliver's Arm and dragged him out the room and then locked the room. Sliver looked around the house 

"Did you...clean up?"

"Maybeee?" Fan laughed

"No seriously this is impressive for someone like you!"

"I know i kn- Hey what do you mean someone like me"

"I never expected a 'Murderer' To clean up his own home!"

"Welp, I clean up my mess with no problem!"

"Thats nice to know im not staying at a messy place."


They both looked at each other not knowing what else to say, The would both burst into laughter

"That was so awkward!!" Sliver spoon laughed

"Yeah!" Fan Also laughed. They would finally stop laughing


A couple minutes later ( 37 Minutes ) And the two would be drinking juice and talking about how their life's been before all of this 

Fan sipped more juice

"Could you tell me more Sliver? Im interested!"

"Uhh Alright! hm...Can i start over maybe?"

"Yeah take your time!"

"Okay so, I was minding my business at my house until somebody called me and I didn't know who it was just a number, Not my partner, Not a friend, Nobody I knew. So then i answered the call they said i got to help design stuff for a fashion show! Cause im so good at designing stuff so I understand why they called me. Of course i said yes to that and I went on first class! And it was just paradise until i got there, it was a hot mess everywhere so i helped them cause i wanted to of course! So i basically saved the day for all designers in there-..i think i was getting yelled at by one i dunno--"

"You went on first class!? Oh so cool!"

"Hah i know right!" Sliver spoon smiled "Why dont you tell me one of your stories?"

"Uhhh welll-"

"First we have to do something about those scars"

Sliver said pointing at Fans wrist

"Uh we really dont have to!-"

"Yes we do" Sliver took Fans right hand and took em to the kitchen. Sliver then went into the bathroom and grabbed a first aid kit. When Sliver spoon grabbed the first aid kit and went to Fan he would begin to try and help fan by taking out a Alcohol pad and wiped some of the blood off of Fans wrist 

"Its gonna hurt-..."

"ow..ow..ow..ow..." Fan said looking to the side, he was in pain a little but still would let Sliver spoon keep going. Sliver spoon would then let the Alcohol soak in, As soon as it soaked in Sliver spoon would wrap his wrist up with the PBT bandages in the kit and finished taking care of Fans wrist

"There. Doesnt it feel better?"

"I mean...A little?..."

"Be honest"

"Yeah it does, it feels a lot better..." Fan smiled at Sliver spoon and He smiled back

Out of nowhere Fan would hug Sliver spoon, it was unexpected to Sliver. Once again he didnt think someone like him would have feelings or even have a soft spot for someone, Sliver spoon hugged back

"Are you, okay fan..?"

"No, Im not okay.."

"..." Sliver let go of fan slowly to see him crying 

"Holy shit, Whats wrong Fan"

"I never" he sobbed and hiccupped "Had someone care for me like that" He hiccupped again

"Hey its okay..."

Fan cried and sobbed heavily, he truly never met someone who would actually care this much about him

"Im sorry, i really am Sliver..." He sobbed 

"Its okay, Its okay" 

- - - - - -

After Fan stopped crying and calmed down, they would both sit on the couch and eat ice cream while watching a show

When they got cozy, and got deep in the show, Sliver would slowly fall asleep, it wouldve been th first time Sliver spoon has fell asleep in a while. Fan looked over at Sliver spoon and took the ice cream bucket slowly away from him while he was still asleep. he put it in the freezer and grabbed a blanket from closet. It was a fluffy blanket, He covered sliver up and put a pillow under neath Sliver Spoon's head

"There..." Fan smiled at Sliver Spoon being asleep he then heard a knock at the door

"Shit..!" Fan ran to the door and saw the police

"Uhh hey this is the second time your here!"

The tension between the 2 objects would be tense 

"Your under arrest for Murder, Kidnapping, Battery, Assault with a deadly weapon, Blackmail and homicide" 

"W-What? You must've got the wrong guy!" Fan smiled trying to support his claim

Sliver spoon would slowly wake up to see the police now arresting fan

he was half asleep but he sat up fast 

"Hey i think you have the wrong person!" Sliver said

The police looked at Sliver then looked away. They then walked away with Fan in handcuffs

Sliver spoon would now be fully awake, so he would follow the police and see fan get pulled into the cop car

"But i didnt tell or call anyone..?" Sliver Spoon said as the cop car dried away from the house 

Sliver would now be stressed

"How...How am i going to be able to bail him out...How am i going to..."..

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