3. Betrayal.

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Fan would wake up with bags under his eyes, he rubbed his eyes, still tired as he cried all not but this morning he didnt care much. He'd sit up and clean his glasses off then putting them on. out of no where, They would hear loud noises from the room the hostages were in...someone was losing their temper at somebody.

Fan rushed to the room and opened it quickly to see paintbrush yelling at balloon out of no where, Balloon looked scared while paintbrush was just cursing him out


"I dunno!! Its his choice if he gets to hurt me or not....Just leave me alone!"

Ballon said out of anger and stress

"Why are you starting this drama out of nowhere!?" 


Paintbrush kept yelling at balloon until fan came in the conversation

"Will you shut up!?"

Fan yelled at the 2 of them 

"OH SHUT UP-- oh,,hey fan..." Paintbrush quickly redeemed themselves after looking at fan


"Uh, Nothing Fan...!" Paintbrush smiled while being scared that he might hurt them after saying that to them 

Fan quickly got a syringe and went up to Paintbrush,

"No...say that again." Fan said to Paintbrush, threatening them, they get close them.

"I would love for you to repeat your self." Fan smiled softly at Paintbrush as they was scared and they started to shake, they would stutter.

"U-Uh I-I-I Didnt say anything..."

Fan backed away and just looked at Paintbrush,

"Good! Now then...calm yourselves down" Fan dropped the syringe onto a mini table and then walked back outside the room, then locking it. As soon as fan went upstairs they would hear knocks at his door.

"Ugh...i swear if its the police again..." Fan said walking to the door then opening it to see Sliver spoon

"Oh! Sliver- its...pleasant seeing you here..."

" Yeah same here..."

The 2 would just stare at each other in awkwardness

"So,,i heard some, things that happened some where in this area and it sounded like screaming. I think it disturbed the whole neighborhood, but i dunno, all i know is that i heard screaming and i didnt get to have a good nap for the rest of that afternoon. So could you explain to me what happened?"

Sliver spoon questioned. Fan looked to the side, 

"Well uhh..." Fan thought about it for a second but then went with this plan of his.

"Come inside." 

Sliver spoon then went inside like fan said

"Why dont you take a seat?" Fan said with a "soft" smile, making sliver feel a little scared

As soon as sliver spoon sat down on his couch, He looked around and saw his house was a mess, party cups everywhere 

"Could you explain this too..?"

"Yeah,,yeah just chill Sliver"

Fan said and then would pour a cup of juice of Sliver spoon. but then on the way to the couch there was a baseball bat behind the couch. Fan took Advantage of this and grabbed it without sliver knowing. He slowly walked behind Sliver as he put the cup down slowly and then swinged at Sliver spoon, knocking him out. 

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