7. Breaking news!

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fan would wake up in the morning to see 15 missed calls from test tube

"Oh shit..-"  Fan quickly called test tube back but she would be half asleep as she called back 


"Hi test tube! its fan! Sorry I've been missing your calls lately! Just been busy with a couple of things and i just slept for a while sorry!"

"Oh! Its fine fan!!" 


Test tube smiled over the phone, just hearing Fans voice made her smile. 

She wasn't really listening to fan, she was just happy that he was calling her, since they haven't called or said anything to each for 2 months. she was just drifting off.

she then kept saying yeah when she wasnt even listening. 


"And that's why I haven't been able to talk to you lately"

"Its alll fineeee! Why dont you come over!!"

"Uh...Hm...Alright! I cant see why not! What time?"

"How about 2:00 PM?"

"Sounds good!!" Fan smiled over the phone

"Bye test tube!"

"Bye Fan!!"

Fan hung up quickly and then unlocked the room.

"Look maggots. Im gonna be gone in 3 hours. Sliver spoon in going to be taking care of you but before i even get ready--" He go to the drawer and open one of the slots. he pulled out a camera, he then opened the box and took out the camera, he set it up and all of the and up it on the corner of the room.

"There! Now I'll be watching you guys!" He would smile and then leave the room, the 8 was awake but Sliver would still be asleep .


2 hours would pass, and fan would be getting ready, cleaning his glasses, washing his hands, brushing his teeth all the good stuff, he then would put a little bowtie on just to look extra fancy! After fan would finish all the things, he would check up on the hostages, secretly, and see that sliver spoon was finally awake and he was I guess socializing with the others, he was telling stories to them. Fan would roll his eyes and then, quietly close the door, as he then left the house, locking the door. now being early to go see test tube.


As he arrived to test tubes house, he knocked and waited for her to answer to door.

He heard chatter getting closer and closer to the door the voice sounded familiar, of course he heard test tube but the other voice sounded familiar. he ignored it, he then saw test tube open the door with a smile and someone behind her

"Oh hey test tube! Whos that behind you?" Fan smiled as he asked the question. 

"Oh dont worry its just Paintbrush!!" Test tube said with a smile

Fan had a shocked feeling, going through his body. he'd feel so many emotions at this point, sad, worried, anxious, angry and other emotions.

"Oh! thats nice!" Fan said still having a smile on his face even tho he wanted to show his emotions. 

"What are they doing here anyways?"

"Oh they wanted to come over and talk to me for a while until you showed up!"

Test tube said, as test tube continued to speak to each other, paintbrush would see fan and would be shocked that he wasn't in jail or some sort. paintbrush moved test tube to the side and glared at Fan. Now that paintbrush wasn't in that room with fan anymore, Paintbrush could finally hurt Fan...but...Paintbrush couldn't, Fan smiled at paintbrush, look up at them. Paintbrush would break the eye contact with Fan, as they was actually afraid of him still. 

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