13. one last thing.

74 2 2

when he would arrive to the visiting area, he would actually see fan waiting this time, Fan was just doodling, He then went over to fan excitedly 

"Hey Fan guess what!!"


"I did the you know!!"

"The wha- OOOOOOOO" Fan would then be shocked

"I never expected you to do that- Anywayssss I gave one of the prisoners a handj-"

"Please dont finish that sentence" 

"Alright! Do you have the money to bail me out!?"

"So what if i told youuu, that we should move!"

"What!?! No!" Fan said kinda yelling at Sliver

"I moved all the way to that neighborhood just to leave a year later?"

"But your not there anymo-"

"Yeah, Im not there anymore but my stuff is there and the others."

"But like, it can be a new start and i can basically pay for therapy!"

"....I'll think about it..."

the rest of the visit would be silent would be quiet/silent

"So uh,, i think crookedstar likes you?"

"Not a cat person." Fan rolled his eyes as it still went silent in the visit between the 2. By now, it would now the end of the visit

"Bye Fan...?"


Sliver then walked away from fan 

"Fuck fuck fuckkkk, I knew it wasnt a good idea..." He then said leaving the office / prison area 

- - - - - 

Sliver would be eating mint chocolate chip ice cream in his car while sobbing in paintbrush's parking way. Paintbrush would see Sliver spoons missed messages and go out side to see him crying his eyes out and eating mint chocolate chip ice cream. Paintbrush sighed and went into the car ad took the cat out the passengers seat and put the cat in the backseat, being very gentle. 


"I dont get it, i thought it was a good idea, how can i even make him proud of me without him always having these bad ideas of my ideas and i just aughhh....I never ever make em proud..." 

".....Wanna talk about it....?"

"No! I wanna kiss you until i cant breathe cause we never did that yet and i wanna see what its like!" 


"Can i kiss you..?"


Sliver would then kiss painty

"I really really love you!"

"Your mouth/lips tastes like mint chocolate chip ice cream- Wait- Kiss me again?"

Sliver would be confused  and kissed Paintbrush again

"mmmmmmm...Yeah your mouth/lips taste like mint chocolate chip ice cream"

"Oh!" The 2 would laugh

"Ahahaaaaa! Heyy Paintyyy"


"Pleaseeee, Plus its kinda my last day!"

"Nonononooooo, Oh and by the way, your vape died"

"Heyyy you was smoking my vape?"

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