11. you do the crime you pay the time!

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Fan would take his mugshots and put these type of handcuffs on him. The color was orange and the cuffs wasnt connected, they was like shock bands. Fan went to the court room and hear how long he would be in prison for, as he then heard he would get a life sentence, he wouldnt be shocked at all. after all he deserved it, as he was led to his cell and pushed in he sat on the ground and yawned. Then looked around, he saw a familiar face

"Ah how nice! Its an old friend!"

"Fan? Why the hell are you in here? Out of all people! You?"

"According to the police, I did murder and something else I wasnt really listening to him that much cause I was kinda scared and was thinking of a lie. It was just 2 people! And how did they found out in the first place!?!?!"

"Why...Did you kill people!?" 

"Cause they got on my nerves!"

"You cant just kill people that makes you ups-"

Fan then death glared at knife. It scared em a little


"I will fucking drop kick you then break your spine and neck!! While i do it i'll rip you apart with a chainsaw and drink the leftover blood!"

They both stared at each other 

"Alright!...I can see why your here!"

"Well, What are you for?" Fan questioned 


"Thats all!?!?" 

"Well sorry im not a murderer-"

"Im gonna fucking strangle you."

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Meanwhile with Sliver still at the house, he would be panicking and stressing 

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck.." Sliver continued to stress 

Sliver then tried to calm himself down, Sliver then walked over to the bathroom and then saw an extra pair of glasses..

"Mnn..Dont mind if i do?.." Sliver took the glasses and looked in the mirror

"...Oh! I dont look half bad...!" Sliver smiled softly, he then breathed in and out and went into the room with hostages

"Okay! Uh....Wake up!!!"

Half would wake up, others was still asleep

"I SAID WAKE UP-!!" Sliver raised his voice at the others that was asleep but then woke up 

"Uh sorry..! Uhm...How do i do this..."

"You see uhh, Im gonna be in charge now cause Fan is off some where and has left me in charge!!"

"pffft, What are you gonna do?" Lightbulb smiled and almost laughed

"Uh, Hurt you! Yeah"

"How? Your so sensitive!"

"Fine, I'll show you!" Sliver spoon said bravely and grabbed a near by shovel inside the room, he went over to lightbulb and wacked her in the other side of her head. As soon as he hitted her in the other side of the head, he dropped the shovel then immediately realized that he killed her. he would look at her lifeless body and be disgusted and almost puked but he had to do what he had to do 

He backed away

"L-Lets take a short recess!!" Sliver spoon then ran out the room and closed it after he ran out, he went into the bathroom and puked in the toilet bowl.  after he puked in the toilet bowl he just sat there and flushed it

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