14. confessions and apologies ( Finale pt.1 )

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A Month would pass and Sliver spoon would actually getting a job at a fast food place

He would be a carrier, known as a delivery driver. He finally got enough money to bail fan out of jail, matter a fact more then enough money to bail him out, he got a really REALLY good lawyer. Today would be his last day at work, and he would work the night shift. But Sliver spoon would convince his boss to Not! work the night shift


"I really Really need to go get my friend and i need to pack, and you wouldnt wanna do this to me on my last day righttt..?~"

"Yeah but this is your last day and i need you to try your best"

"I already didddd!~ Pleaseee"


"I tried my best, all my best, and theres been no new customers for 4 hourssss!!"

They sighed "Fine...Have a good rest of your summer Sliver, get plenty of rest and stay safe, dont do any crimes"

"YAY!!! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!" Sliver spoon would hug his boss and grab his corduroy totebag and left the restaurant.

He would then start his car engine and begin to drive!


Sliver spoons first location would be paintbrushs house

He then knocked a couple of times

"Please answer, Please answer, Please answer....."

Paintbrush would answer the door with a small groan, and would then notice that Sliver spoon was at their doorstep

"Oh hey Sliver...-"

"Hey Paintbrush..!"

".....You got new glasses..?"

"Yeah..!....You finally changed your hair style..?"



"I like your ba-"

"Im really sorry paintbrush! I didnt mean to call you those things last month, i was just in a pissy mood and i was really Jelly which was a toxic sign and i really really miss you and i miss your lips, i miss your smile, i miss your silly little hair, i miss your funny personality, I just miss everything about you and i would love for you and me to be a thing...again..?" Sliver spoon smiled awkwardly

Paintbrush would be speechless until they figured out what to say


"I get it..I get it...you dont want that to happen, and thats okay..!"

"...I do want that to happen, I would love for that to happen..."


"Yeahh..! I missed you...so much as well..."

"Am i aloud to say this now.?"

"Say what..?"

"I love you so so so much painty, I just wanna kiss you..!"

Paintbrush smiled softly

"I love you more..!"

They would both hug each other and kiss each other

"-...Are you crying Sliver-"

"Nu-uh, Your crying!"

Paintbrush would smile softly

"Your so adorable...and i missed that as well..."

Sliver would smile then look behind Paintbrush and see Crookedstar

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