2. Expired dates.

189 4 12

Fan would wake up, early that day. Fan smiled brightly and put his glasses on. he then made 9 bowls of ceral and oatmeal and took the bowls one by one to the room, on a table.

he would grab the blood-stained hammer and slam it against the wall n

"Wakie, Wakie~ Time for breakfast!"

Today Mic would wake up first instead of paintbrush,,,

"Ughhh...my head is pounding...whats for breakfast..."

"Cereal and oatmeal, choose your pick!

"hm...Oatmeal i guess?..."


Fan would untie Mic and then tie her wrists onto the table sides and gave her a spoon, then putted the bowl of oatmeal infront of her.

"Enjoy!" Fan smiled and then woke others up. 


as they all woke up, fan would have tied their wrists to the table. 

cheesy would take a couple of bites out of his oatmeal and it would taste sour..

"ahah! is it supposed to taste like...sour patch kids?" cheesy smiled 

Paintbrush would almost burst out laughing as they ate their cereal

Fan would first look at Paintbrush, Paintbrush would stop the urge to laugh and ate their cereal,

"hey Fan..this also taste sour..is the milk expired just like-"

Fna would walk up the paintbrush and grab the bowl, then forced them to drink the spoiled milk

"Just like what Painty?"

the others would look down and focused on eating their expired food

Paintbrush would try to push Fan away but couldn't, the milk tasted sour, very sour. 

They would also try putting their hands on fan but couldn't cause their wrists was tied down onto the table 


Paintbrush would choke, then fan pulled the bowl away from paintbrush

"Such a shame i had to teach you a small lesson for talking back to me early in the morning...Now then, i didnt forget about the rest of you, but, i'll give you 2 hours to socialize" 

Fan left the room, going to the store.


Paintbrush would just sit there and stare at the ground. Cheesy would try to crack a joke up to make the room laugh a little 

"uh...Why shouldn't you write with a broken pencil?....Because it's pointless!"

he said with a smile but nobody laughed, he tried again 

"....What's an astronaut's favorite candy?...A Milkyway bar!!" 

soap would giggle at the joke, as soon as soap giggled, yin yang laughed slienty, then balloon held in laughter, microphone laugh a little, Clover giggled with soap, Paintbrush laughed, Lightbulb letted out a big laugh

They all started to laugh at the joke, even tho the joke was cheesy (( get it?)) 


Paintbrush would then smiled and the others did the same

"hey, this is probably one only good moment that has ever happened here in this room without fan!" 

Soap's voice would be low and soft, this was one of the first times they heard soap speak in large groups with others 


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