5. Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

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Fan would Say Sliver's name

"Oh, Sliver!~" Fan said went up to Sliver Spoon.

Sliver would be just sit there, thinking about some stuff...He then looked up Fan to see him having a knife in his hand

Slive spoon would sit up

"Hm..?...what are you going to be doing with that knife fan....?"

Sliver would look at fan and fan would look back.

Fan then would tackle Sliver spoon once again but having a tight grip onto the small knife he had in his hand.

Sliver spoon would fightback and try to push the knife away from him and push fan.  Slive would fail trying to push him off of him

Fan would get the knife closer to Sliver spoons eye but sliver would look to the side to see a bucket of paint, he then grabbed it and hit it on fans head. fan then fell off, dropping the knife out of his hand.

Sliver spoon went up to fan and went near the knife

He stared at the knife 

"......" Sliver pushed the knife off to the side with their foot and went over to fan as he was still laying down. Slive took advantage of fan laying down. he grabbed a blood stained hammer and went close to fans left arm

"nononono...." Fan said trying to get up quickly, Sliver kicked him down and slammed the hammer down onto fans arm, hitting his arm up to 3 times.

Fan would be in great pain as blood spilled from his arm, now that it was broken. Fan would hold his now broken arm in his right hand, he would shake and look up at sliver. he then grabbed a metal baseball bat, and swinged with his right side at slivers legs, making Sliver fall down. When Sliver fell down. Fan would hit sliver with the baseball bat but it didn't knock him down yet. Sliver would rush to get up as he was bleeding from now the right side of his head...but then he felt lightheaded...he then fell down...

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