6. Shocked

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Fan would go up to Sliver spoon as he was passed out, he then grabbed the hammer Sliver had before. 

Fan would bring up the hammer in the air a he was about to swing it and hit Sliver but he then looked at the others. He dropped it near Sliver's body

"Uh..." Fan looked to the side 

"Heyyy guys!" Fan smiled as he looked at them, they all looked shocked. They never expected this type of Physico crazy shit from Fan. 

"Dont mind that!...It was just a small fight with my assistant..."

"Small fight?" Microphone would say

"...Yes a small fight...." He looked at her in the eyes

"Should i remove that other eye of yours...dear Mic?"


"Right!" Fan looked away, he then grabbed another small knife near him, he then walked over to clover and reached over to one of her sides. he'd cut a side off of her 

he then sighed of relief 

"There we go! you guys wasn't going to get vacation off of not getting tortured!"

Clover would cry, Clover barely cries, Atleast, around fan of course.

"Awww whats the matter Clover..?"

"I wanna go home..!...i dont wanna be here anymore"

"...aw for a second i felt bad for you." Fan laughed at Clover

"You really are sick...." Clover whispered under her breath

Fan had heard what she said, he stopped laughing...He then untied her and took her hand. he had a tight grip on her.


Fan would eventually walk her to the forest in his backyard. he got deep in the forest where it was dark. Clover would be confused and scared as it was dark and she could barely see anything. She would hear some stuff drop around her, she tried to touch the things that surrounded her, but she got a sudden slap on her hand. She then heard someone walking away from her. so as soon as they walked away from her she touched a couple of the things, one of was fish, another would be some type meat which would be mice meat...weird isnt but after she was left out there for a while she started to hear growling around her....next thing you know...she gets attacked by animals. Killing her 


Fan would smile, as he watched from afar, seeing clover getting ripped apart. made him happy, he then walked back inside his house and into the room, to see Sliver getting up slowly.

"...ugh-" Fan said to himself, he then waited for Sliver Spoon to fully get up / wake up

"Might wanna be careful Sliver."

"..Wha?-" Something would had shocked Sliver, As it caused him great pain, the pain going down to his legs.

Fan smiled again to seeing Sliver spoon in pain. 

( "He deserved it anyways." ) Fan thought to himself as he pointed something out of Sliver spoons wrist

(( Did i forget to mention something? Fan had putted a shock collar on Sliver spoons wrist :) )) 

"I wouldnt try taking that off if i were you"

Fan said to him, as he stopped playing around with the remote. 

Sliver would stare at Fan in disbelief

"What...the...fuck.." Sliver said

"What did you say..?" Fan walked over to him slowly.

"you might as well stop talking to me like that, Cause i basically can Make your life a living hell now with this shock collar dear...." Fan said as he snatched slivers spoons wrist, he gripped on his wrist tightly, like he was about to break it.

"You. Listen. To. Me. Now." Fan said in a threating tone as he pressed on a button on the remote which made the shock collar go up to a level where it felt like Sliver spoon was about to pass out, but all he felt was lightheaded.

"S..Shit...Yknow y-you cant kee-" 

"OH SHUT IT." Fan yelled at him as he wished he make the level go higher but thats all he could do with it.

"Your in here now..and theres no backing out...."

He stopped the shocking.

Fan pointed to a hostage, the hostage would be Lightbulb.

"Now since your in here! i need you to simply torture Her!" Fan threw a screwdriver at sliver spoon

Sliver would catch it, Sliver spoon had no actual choice but to listen to fan, so he did what fan asked him to do. he got up and walked over to lightbulb then stabbing holes in her arm, 

Lightbulb would try to ignore the pain but no matter how much she tried to ignore it...it just hurted. it hurted more then anything.

Sliver didnt say anything, he was doing his job after all.

As soon as Sliver finished, he backed away and went next to fan, he looked down.

Fan looked up and smiled at Sliver Spoon

"So proud of you!" He said in a Kind tone.

Fan was trying to manipulate Sliver, It worked a little bit. Sliver spoon did wanna hear someone being proud of him.

Fan would then grip onto sliver spoons wrist tightly once again and take him to the corner he was in.

"You did an amazing Job today Sliver! You deserve a reward!!" Fan then left the room to grab something, as soon as he got something he would come back and give sliver something to snack on, it was a sugar cookie.

"Now thats all for today..!...dont let any of the hostages leave the room...or there will be consequences."

Fan left the room and locked it with 2 locks once again but then we would go outside and behind his building, where a dimmed window would be shown in the room the hostages were in. he then boarded up the window and put duck tape on it so no one could escape. he then went back inside and sat on his couch. he doesnt go in his room much, he likes the couch a lot, anyways, he would then go on his phone to see his recent blog would be blowing up. he would be super happy, he would check the comments and see o many likes. he was proud of himself so he made a blog thanking all the people who had liked his blogged and even shared and commented on it. he ended the blog short and within a couple of minutes it blow up as well. Fan would smile and go to bed happy. 

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