9. New starts! Old habits..

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Fan wake up the next morning, checked his phone and saw no messages. He was happy, He then sat up and looked over at the bathroom

"Hmm...It wouldnt hurt to start something new.." He walked over to the bathroom, grab his pills and dumped the pills into the toilet, He smiled and then flushed it. 

"Hm, What else" He looked around and then looked at the sink

"Oh my washup! I kinda forgot about washing myself!" He turned the sink on, and it would be steaming hot, Fan then grabbed a towel from his mini washing machine and then would put the towel in the sink bowl. After it was done getting soaked then dried the water out of the towel, he saw little bubbles in the towels and he smile at that for some reason

"-...Cool!" He then began to wash himself up but when he would reach that one spot, he would still feel intense pain

"OW!-...ow..ow...." He dropped the towel and held his left wrist with his right had in pain

"Ow..." He slowly removed his hand and looked at the scars that began to bleed

"Shit...forgot about those...Maybe i should get a therapist...-" He sighed and left the bathroom, his whole morning was now ruined at he heard someone knock at the door, He went answer it to see of course test tube.

"Hey test tube..-"

"Happy new years Fan!"

"...Happy new years i guess..?" 

"Are gonna do it again?!"

"Uh..yea, Just give me a second"

He cracked the front door and ran to the kitchen and opened a drawer, he poorly wrapped his wrist and ran back to test tube, opening the door

"Sorry for that, You can come in!"

Test tube proceeded to walk in, she saw everything was clean since the last time she's been here which was yesterday

"Woah did you clean up?"



Fan sighed "Lets just get this over with-.."

Test tube went to fan and kissed him, Fan of course kissed Test tube back but, he had a feeling in his stomach. Something he didnt wanna feel, Sickness/ickiness. He kept kissing Test tube while looking over to the side, He leaded her to the couch while they was kissing once again. But when they sat down Fan would pull away from test tube slightly

"Howww about we slow it down a bit?"

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"I meann Lets just kiss for right now! Thats all of course!" That wasn't all..so they continued and test tube did what fan wanted to do  

"S-Shit..Test tube!!"

"Sorry! I Didnt know what you mean!"

"Ugh!...Its whatever...Keep going..." He looked to the side as they kissed again, He started to overthink somethings until when test tube slowly reached over to grab fans left hand

He immediately broke the kiss

"DONT TOUCH ME--" Fan stared at test tube, both would looked shocked

"..? Uh why?"

"Just....Don't please...You can keep going by the way..." He sat there and test tube would do the same

"Let me see"


"Let me see whats under the bandages!"

"No test tube! I said no once im not gonna say yes the second time."



The both stared at each other...Until when fan would close his eyes...calming down and test tube would take the bandages off quickly. She gasped

Fan opened his eyes quickly and pushed test tube while the bandages would still unravel 

"I told you not to look and you did anyways. What the fuck is wrong with you!?" He exclaimed 

"I didnt know you wer-"

"No listen to me! Why did you not listen to me!?!?!"

Test tube would tear up

"..You better not cry."

Test tube would start crying right after

"Stop crying....please"


"Because for Personal reasons test tube...Now can you stop...if your gonna cry get out..."


"Get out..."

Test tube would stand up

"Well im sorry i cant fix your mental health Fan."

"Yeah? You know what would help me fix my mental health? You getting the fuck out."

"You..You really need a therapist Fan ..."

He would pissed off as test tube wasnt listening to him, he went in the kitchen and grabbed a fresh bottle of drain cleaner

"If you dont leave.."

"Fan im trying to tell you to-"

Fan would run and tackle test tube, then shoving the whole bottle of drain cleaner down her throat

"You didnt listen to me and heres your punishment." He would pour the whole thing down her throat, after he was finished he smiled softly listening to her run out of oxygen, coughing, then coughing up blood. Some blood did get on his face but he didnt mind. After test tube was dead, he would look outside and see nobody out or looking in windows yk, he dragged the body to a near by dumpster and tossed her body in there.

"What a great start to my new year!" Fan smiled and looked at the sky

"Woahhh..." He said and then went back inside his house calmly, He'd go into the bathroom and wash his hands, And after he washed his hands and dried them he would wipe the blood off his face and then go under the sink and grabbed luminal and clean the floor then dry it so if police come they wouldnt accuse him of any murder. He then cleaned the place up, and it looked just like it was when test tube walked in. He washed the dishes, folded the blankets and all that good stuff, He then went in the room and checked up on the 8/9 hostages

"How we feelin today?"

They all looked at him and they had the same response


"Eh, I'll feed you guys tomorrow expect for balloon of course!"

He looked at Sliver 


".......Im..So So i guess..."

"Thats good cause ima need you to be on your best behavior tomorrow because we're gonna torture all of them! So get lots of sleep Okayyy..?" Fan smiled At Sliver, Sliver spoon looked like he was hungry as well but didnt say anything, He also looked like he hasnt slept for 2 weeks

"I mean It Sliver. Get some Sleep and that goes for the rest of you guys too." He left the room turning the lights off completely. he locked the door and went into his room. As he went into his room, he'd also lock it. He then grabbed his knife and harmed himself again, Feeling no pain this time, he then slid the knife back under there and would lay in his bed, he was left there staring at his ceiling, his phone was dead, he killed his crush/beloved/friend, He would just lay there until he fell asleep 

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