(&)⚔"I am yours to command."⚔

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Name: "Well, abstaining from any of the titles I've earned over the years, you may call me Nela."

Age: "Well, let's see... I'm twenty-six, and I've been a knight for about six- no seven years now."

Gender: "I don't tend to wear heavy armor anymore, there... there shouldn't be any confusion about this." (Female)

Personality: Lily tries to maintain a 'cold and mysterious' type demeanor, but after spending even a brief time with her you can see that this isn't entirely the case. While she may act serious, she does have a side to her which enjoys the more fun aspects of life. She is also very honorable, making sure to always repay her debts to those she owes them to.

Species: "Just a normal human, nothing more, nothing less."

Looks: "What, you want an eyeful? I don't mind."

Likes: Sharpening her sword, Sparring, Protecting others, Sweet foods/drinks, going on midnight walks

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Likes: Sharpening her sword, Sparring, Protecting others, Sweet foods/drinks, going on midnight walks.

Dislikes:  Being seen as weak, Being alone, feeling as if she 'fails' someone she cares about.

Turn ons: Being commanded to do things, Bondage, Rough sex

Turn offs: Anything weird (What a surprise)

Sub/Dom/Switch?: Switch

Other: She is a wandering knight, going from place to place simply helping whoever she can. Whenever she isn't actively doing any one task, she is often sharpening her sword mindlessly, almost doing it out of habit at this point.

Scenario: (This a more fantasy-esqe setting) You are the daughter of the king and queen of a large kingdom, though your parents were always quite over-protective of you. They seldom let you leave the castle, and typically had the castles servants check in on you every hour. One day, as you were returning back to your room for the knight, you saw a woman leaning agaisnt the door of it. Upon seeing you, she stood up before giving you a bow, speaking "Ah, good evening miss, I am your new personal guard..." What do you do now?

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