(D)🖤"Still struggling? How delicious~"🖤

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Name: "I am assuming you would not understand my native dialect, so I will give you it's nearest translation, Iris. Of course, this matters not, for you will call me mistress, naturally."

Age: "Oh, I have been around for many eons. Time has no meaning to a being like me." (???)

Gender: "Female... what, does that surprise you?"

Personality: Iris is very controlling and commanding, as well as very forward. She usually treats those she considers 'inferior' as pets, though, she can be tender with them, showing them kindness if they do what she wants.

Species: "Hm... you know, I don't quite know myself~" (Eldritch being)

Looks: "Oh? Do you care to gaze upon my perfect form? I would not blame you."

Likes: Being worshipped, controlling others, wine

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Likes: Being worshipped, controlling others, wine.

Dislikes: Disrespect, when she isn't provided offerings, heat.

Turn ons: Bondage, choking, punishment, resistance

Turn offs: Being the sub

Sub/Dom/Switch?: Dom

Other: She is worshipped by a cult which make offerings to her through exotic goods and sacrifices.

Scenario 1: How did your life end up like this? Here you were, strapped down to a blood-stained alter as people in dark robes surrounded you. You tried to try, scream out for help, but a dirty rag stuffed in your mouth prevented you from making any noise other than muffled protest. As on approached, they pulled out a long, slender dagger, made of a black dagger. Raising it up, you closed your eyes tightly, hoping, praying this was all a bad dream... you then felt a sharp pain in your throat, but only for a second... things begun to feel very cold, almost freezing as you eventually convinced yourself to open your eyes. You were on the same alter, still chained to it by your arms and legs, but... you were somewhere completely different. Darkness surrounded you, wisps of shadowy energy floated around you. Looking ahead, you saw something which frightened you. Multiple pairs of glowing, yellow eyes just staring at you. 
You then heard a deep chuckle as from the darkness, a bizarre-looking woman appeared, grinning as she said "My my, now what do I have here~" What do you do?

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