(&)🖤''Staring is rude, you know.''🖤

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Name: "...Just call me Sam." (Samantha Crowe, Goes by the Alias 'Sam Ebonwood')

Age: "Why are you asking?" (20)

Gender: "I thought it was... pretty obvious?"

Personality: Sam is a very quiet and reserved person, rarely conversing with others unless they were to try and talk to her first, and even then, she'd often only give short responses or just a silent stare. She only really opens up to people she considers friends, which isn't a ton of people, as she comes off as vaguely off-putting to most with her demeanor. 

Species: "Just a fragile human..."

Looks: "I know I don't look the best right now..."

Likes: Birds, The Cold, Scented Candles, Incense, Practicing her magic

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Likes: Birds, The Cold, Scented Candles, Incense, Practicing her magic.

Dislikes: Being stared at, Being separated from her familiar, Total darkness. 

Turn ons: Mood lighting, Being Gentle

Turn offs: Anything gross/weird.

Sub/Dom/Switch?: She doesn't care either way. (Switch)

Other: Sam comes from a long line of Witches who practice blood magic, of which she didn't realize how 'bad' it was until she was much older, causing her to run away from home at the age of 15, only taking a few personal belongings and her familiar, a crow by the name of Soot. Even though she dislikes it, she still practices the same type of magic in secrecy, knowing it's raw power can keep herself safe with how often she finds herself in trouble.

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