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Ant - Good morning good evening welcome to day 8. Well since we left you after the live trial it's all been going on, James McVey had a bout of brutal honesty. Plus there's been sniping, tension and bickering galore!

Dec - It's everything we ever dreamed of! Also coming up we have highlights from Siva's trial, the second chapter in the fight for immunity and Brad Simpson gets over a relationship with a teddy bear. But first back to yesterday where The Vamps woke from their first night in the Sin Bin. With Brad on the top bunk and Connor on the bottom it was like a classic episode of Blankety Blank!

Snake Rock The Vamps POV (Brad)

Brad - Waking up in the sin bin was all quite saddening.

Me and Connor have just woken up in our bunk beds.

Connor - We don't like it in the sin bin. It's quite claustrophobic and the beds are really tight and you can't move. The heat is oppressive and no running water. We need to get out of here.

Tris - It's a load of crap isn;t it.

"Get the rice on the boil." Giovanna tells the Wanted outside. "Living in the sin bin means your reliant on your campmates outside to keep you fed and watered and that's not always a good things. Whilst in the early days we were partial of being in this position ourselves in the circumstances... the main camp are a little bit under pressure. If make mistakes with the rations we are left with the consequences."

"We ate all the rice last night." Max tells Nathan. 

"I know it doesn't look much but here is something to set you up for the day." Nathan passes the mugs of rice through the letterbox. 

Siva - It's not a nice place to be. I wouldn't want to be in there. They don't have to wash up they don't have to cook the food they just sit there.

"Unfortunately we can't do our share." Brad tells Nathan through the letterbox.

James - This is what we found hard last week the lack of organisation. It seems so typical of the older ones that they can't keep a tidy shop.

"They haven't got any idea about survival skills. They wouldn't last 5 minutes in the wild." The camp has not got heart and soul it's looking a bit bedraggled. 

 "Maybe we shouldn't be hard on ourselves if we lose tonight." Giovanna suggests. "The kids have a lot to learn."

Dec - Yeah Giovanna you're right. It's a complete mess down there. Plates and cups everywhere, wet pants hanging over the fire. Should be ashamed of themselves really it's a disgrace. Are they dry this lot

Ant - I'd give them a good hour.

Dec - I need those budgie smugglers later

Ant - They'll be fine by the pool. Tonight we see the 2nd game in the immunity challenge with The Wanted 1-0 up it's still all to play for.

Dec - Yeah well done kids although you should be in bed by now.

Ant - Ratings(!)

Dec - Although I'm glad you're not.

Ant - It's great to see Brad back on form with Tedward and it's amazing is it the comfort you get from a little friend. Now people might ridicule them for spending time because they're really boring. But I find it reassuring at having a cuddly slightly smelly little friend in your life.

If you've got something to say come out and tell it

The Vamps POV

Beat the bugs, lets beat the bugs!

I'm a Vamp get me outta here! - A The Vamps/The Wanted StoryWhere stories live. Discover now