How you two know one another

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Steve Rogers

        You were a long time agent at the SHIELD headquarters, mostly there as the driver and back up if they need anything. You were a person they all relied on for weaponry and other odds and ends, back is back up after all, no matter the circumstances. You had been working for a long while being close friends with Bruce and, tolerated, Tony. You currently sat, waiting for any call from the men as they came back from a secret mission. You weren't informed, because as Fury put it, you weren't needed this time "how lovely" you muttered waiting impatiently for any information at all. You were the only one at the headquarters at the moment, messing idly with some papers trying to keep distracted. Hearing an all too familiar voice ring into your ears you looked up, "hey sweet cheeks!" Tony called out as he smacked your butt earning him a harsh glare and smack across the cheek. A few laughs came from the doorway "you totally deserved that one, Stark!" Clint laughed holding his sides clearly enjoying the sight of Tony's surprised eyes. Natasha and Bruce walked in with another man, you did recognize following them "hey, this is Steve Rogers" Bruce announced to you and being the nice woman you were you held out your hand. He smiled gladly taking it, with a firm handshake you both smiled eyes meeting "it's a pleasure to meet you ma'am" he was such a gentlemen that it didn't take long for either of you to become close.

Tony Stark

       You had arrived, well received by everyone in the SHIELD headquarters being a guest in foreign affairs and what-not. You smiled, talking with Fury about your whole reason in being here your English accent coming through loud and clear despite talking genuinely soft. You two talked for a while longer until Natasha came in, offering to show you around and talk. You nodded agreeing with the red-head as you two walked and talked about work, per-usual. Stopping at the canteen for a brief break from the walking and to have some coffee, you two sat in comfortable silence until it was broken by a loud voice. Admittedly it was annoying, loud and annoying as he burst through the door "NAT!" Bruce was following behind him but he was so focused on the argument that he barely noticed you sitting calmly watching him fuss. Bruce sat next to you and whispered "that would be mister Stark, mind you he's like this all of the time" Tony had heard him and whirled around to make a snappy come back but as your eyes met his words didn't come out angry but flirty "Oh, well hello lovely!" Natasha smacked him on the back of his head. He flinched rubbing it as he held his hand out to you "Tony, you've probably heard of me before" without missing a beat you smiled and said "nope, no clue who you are Mister Stark but I can assure you" you stood up and stepped up to him "act like that with me and you'll know who I really am." Even as you threatened him his grin only grew, you had a feeling this would not be the last time you would see him.

Bruce Banner

       You were a lab rat, not in the sense of being experimented on but always being in one. You adored science and had a major in Biotechnology that only sparked more of an interest for you in the scientific field. You currently worked in one of the top universities in the country and proudly taught as one of their best science professors. You had met with Bruce Banner, only once, because of a science convention going on in New York. You were pretty outgoing, clear in your opinions and hypothesis in every situation. Your hair was tied up while you sat in your office, grading papers and getting everything in order for the last class of the day when a phone call interrupted your train of thought. Picking up the phone you recognized the voice as your boss, "miss, you have been transferred to a local facility. All other information will be sent through e-mail, as I cannot tell you over the phone. Bye." Click. That was. . .strange to say the least "middle year? hm, maybe I should check that e-mail" the subject of the message had your name in it and as you opened it you recognized the name at the bottom. This e-mail gave you clear instructions as to where to go and who to ask for when you got there, so you did just that. The security guard as you why you were there and you spoke the name and his eyes seem to know who you were "I need to speak with Mister Fury" he let you pass with no further questions. It was a long talk, that may even be an understatement because by the time you left the office it was dark out. He walked with you through the halls heading towards a room he seemed to know well, the noises coming from the room was less than encouraging. He sighed, clearly this was a regular thing as he knocked on the door harshly "Bruce, Tony!" he called out and the noise hushed quickly. The doors opened and she looked rather surprised being greeted by a familiar face "show her around, she will be the new lab partner. Her skills are rather impressive, now if you will excuse me I have other things to attend to." She smiled, holding out her hand "nice to meet you!" snapping out of his daze first Bruce grabbed her hand hesitantly "nice to meet you" Tony only grinned, looking like an idiot as he did so. Bruce coughed and led you inside, this was going to be interesting.

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