A Robot Writes Our Fates

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(I made a robot write what happens to Me, Sav and Pancakes (Everything here is writen by a robot so if it says some cursed shit it ain't my fault))

Rylee, Sav and Pancakes were all friends Rylee was (probably the youngest) out of the 3 boys, Sav was most likely the second oldest of the boys and Pancakes was probably the oldest out of the boys.

Rylee, Sav and Pancakes were all sitting on the couch.

They were all talking and laughing, laughing so hard that their bellies hurt.

We could not see what they were laughing about, but we all knew what it was.

Sav got up from the couch and ran over to the middle of the kitchen, Rylee and Pancakes followed.

Sav came running back to the couch to tell Rylee and Pancakes to come see this!

He got in the chair and spun his chair around and sat on his butt!

His legs were outstretched to his side and he was kicking them back and forth.

Rylee and Pancakes all started laughing so hard.

They loved watching him do that!

They also had a laugh or two or ten while I got my camera ready to take some pictures.

Then Pancakes started tickling Rylee and Rylee started to laugh so hard, she started to spit up.

Pancakes saw this and started doing it to her, but he only got a little spit up on Rylee's cheek, which was one of the first times I had ever seen Pancakes do that.

I was hoping to get some more smiles out of him today, but they were no where to be found.

Lunchtime was ok, he wasn't a fan of anything I was eating, so I just gave him a few pieces of my chicken and let him go to town.

After lunch, Rylee and Pancakes played while I got some pictures of the 3 boys.

Sav was so excited to show me that he had been pouring water into a bird feeder that hung up on the edge of the deck.

He told me that he was filling the feeder up so that all the birds would come and have a feast!

I was so excited to see him helping out!

I was so proud of him for taking it upon himself to take care of the little birdie!

This was such a cute little incident that I just had to document.

I wish I had my camera ready to snap a picture while he was "feeding" the birdie.

I told him I would take him back out to the front yard and "feed" it to the birdie, but he decided it would be easier if the little birdie just "tasted" it in the house.

If PancakeSageFan69 and Savitarous came to NZWhere stories live. Discover now