Episode 5 - A Year Later

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Jesse and I crept through the jungle carefully since it was nighttime and we had to look out for mobs.

I spotted the building we were heading towards in the distance. "There's the temple," I pointed, whispering to Jesse.

He smiled, but it faded when we spotted a creeper walking by, followed by a zombie. Jesse and I ducked behind a tree to avoid being seen.

Jesse sent a smirk toward me, pulling out his enchanted diamond sword. "You ready?" he questioned.

I smirked back, pulling out my own. "You know it," I responded.

The two of us charged out from behind the tree, standing in front of a bunch of mobs. Jesse and I slowly walked forward, killing the zombies that got in our way.

Once a bunch of them were killed, we heard arrows being pulled back from behind us. We turned around and saw four skeletons, aiming their bows at us.

"Look out!"

We looked up and saw Petra standing on top of a large jungle tree. She pulled out her sword, jumping down with a battle cry.

She landed on top of one of the skeletons, killing it. She quickly took out one and knocked two of them toward us.

Jesse killed one while I got the other one. "Thanks," he thanked Petra with a blush on his face.

I smirked as Petra smiled. "You're welcome,"

"Hey, Jesse, Crystal. Check this out,"

The three of us looked over to where Axel was to see him holding two zombies in a headlock, one under each arm. "Aaaaad 3... 2... 1 POP!" he said as he killed the two zombies. "Pretty cool, right?" Axel posed, flexing his muscles.

As he did this, I noticed a zombie coming close from behind him. "Duck!" I shouted, running over to him.

Axel turned to the side, letting me roll over his back. I sliced through the zombie once my feet touched the ground. It hit the broken wall before falling to the ground, dying.

I twirled my sword, turning to face Axel. "Dudette! You're getting pretty good at this," Axel praised me, holding up his hand.

I smiled widely, high-fiving him. Jesse walked over to me. "You need to teach me how to do that," he joked.

I nudged him in the side. "Hush you, you already know how," I told him, causing him to laugh slightly.

"You guys are working way too hard," 

We looked over to see Olivia leaning against a bunch of dispensers that she must've put down. She nudged the side of it, causing a bunch of arrows to come flying out, killing all the mobs that they hit.

Once they were all dead, Axel started walking toward the temple. "You're always looking to one-up us, aren't you?" Jesse said before he twirled his sword and stabbed behind him, killing a zombie.

Jesse and I walked forward to get a better look at the temple. "That is one seriously cool temple," he commented.

I nudged him in the side as put our swords away. "Right it is, brother of mine," I said.

Petra walked up to us. "Yeah, points for Ivor, I guess. This was a good tip," Petra pointed out.

"Yeah. Best part, my hitman fingers aren't tingling when he's around anymore," I told the group.

"Is that a good thing?" Axel questioned.

"Well, Jesse?" Olivia asked, ignoring what Axel said.

"Yeah... So... Are we doing this?" Axel questioned.

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