Episode 9 Final (Season 1 Final) - Home Coming

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We all looked over and saw Racheal glowing green, tossing the scythe away to the side. "I won't let you win!" she growled, floating over to us. "You will never leave with them!"

Celestia took a step forward. "It's over, Racheal. Stand down,"

"You lost!" Luna added.

"I... Don't... Lose!" she hissed. "Crystal is coming back with ME! BACK WHERE YOU BELONG!"

I took a step back in fear while Lukas gripped my hand. Jesse stepped in front of me. "You don't have a say. You and Crystal made a deal, she won. You have no say, she's coming back with us for a month, we're keeping her memories," he stated.

Racheal zoomed over to us. "You have no right, mortal. I have worked these past thousand years to get to the top. I will not have a bratty spoiled girl take that away from me!"

She went to use her magic, ready to cast a spell when-

"Barronness Racheal, stand down!"

The two of us froze, looking over to see a portal opening, and a figure walking out. Once they came out far enough, we spotted Duke Liam coming out of the portal.

"D-Duke Liam!" Racheal stuttered, bowing to him.

"Who's that?" Petra whispered to me.

"Duke Liam... One of the leaders of the Dimensional Guardian Council. He's one of the people that inforces the rules," I explained to them before I stepped forward to greet him. "Duke Liam,"

"It's good to see you both after so long," Duke Liam nodded to us before he turned to Racheal. "What are you doing here inside Dimension 36 in Dimensional Universe 45?"

"I was just coming to collect Miss Crystal. She's been here too long and I wanted to return her back to the Academy," Racheal explained.

"Yet... You came here without informing us?" Duke Liam brought up.

Racheal laughed nervously. "Y-Yes, I'm aware of that. But I thought I'd take leadership and deal with Crystal herself... Since it'd be a timer waster for you and the rest of the council," she reasoned.

Duke Liam hummed. "Yes... We're aware of how much longer Miss Crystal has been. We'll deal with that later,"

"Duke Liam, if I may..." I spoke up. "I didn't mean to stay as long as I did. But... I have to admit that..." I took a deep breath. "That I became attached to the people here... Making connections with them. I created memories and once-in-a-lifetime experiences with them. They became my friends... Family... And I was afraid to lose that. I know it's against everything we've been taught all these years, but... I have to admit this. We can punish me however you please, just please... Let them remember me. Even if I have to forget them,"


"Jesse, it's okay," I sent him a small sad smile.

"The greatest strength in someone is admitting when they're wrong..." Duke Liam muttered to himself. "Alright, we'll talk more about this when you get back in a month,"

I stared at him in confusion. "'Get back in a month?'"

Racheal seemed just as confused. "Yeah, the only time I've agreed with her. What do you mean, Duke Liam?"

"While, yes, Barronness Crystal had breached the rules and the morals we stand for, but... It's admirable. The Council and I have discussed this. We realized that... With your close connections with the mortals here... The outcome improved here, and we were impressed. None of us thought that this was possible. Now, when you get back to the Academy, we will discuss this more and there will be heavy words, but... We want to give this method a try, seeing if attachments have anything to do with it... Since this Dimension is a good example of it... We were wondering if you would like to be the Guardian of Dimensional Universe 45?"

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