Episode 9 - The Deals

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We swiftly looked behind us and saw Lukas and Petra in their regular outfits - without the armour - seemingly okay. "Lukas!" I cried, my voice cracking with emotion while tears stung my eyes.

"Crystal!" Lukas called, trying to break the bars, but he had a relieved smile.

"Petra!" Jesse called, taking a few steps toward them.

"Jesse!" Petra yelled, giving us a concerned look.

"Petra! Lukas!" Ivor called as Slab came up behind the two, dragging them away.

"Your friends are alive and well," the purple robe male spoke.

"It's just a game," Mevia hissed like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"But we saw them die! How are they alive?!" Jesse asked.

"I mean, thank Celestia. But how?!" I added.

Racheal scoffed, rolling her eyes. "I'm not surprised that you're confused. Your brain wasn't always the brightest," she stated, causing me to glare at her. "You mortals don't fair any better,"

"Tiny brains," the purple robe male nodded in agreement. He took a few steps forward. "It's called 'respawning', champs. We're not monsters,"

"Yet you play around with people's lives for fun," I grumbled under my breath.

The green robe male cleared his throat. "Ahem. In our games, when people 'die' they reappear in one of our 'respawn zones,'" he explained.

"I hear it's still pretty painful though," Mevia commented.

The purple robe male walked up to us. "Well, sports, now that you've come and interrupted our games. I'm sure our fans would LOVE to know how you all got here. Spill!" he demanded.

"Why bother? They all end up in the mines," Mevia smirked.

"We're from another world," I told them.

"Well duh," Racheal mocked, laughing. "Everyone competing is from another world. The only difference is, you Cuntal, are from another dimension,"

This caused me to scoff at her childish nickname. Yeah... She acts so mature for her age, notice me being sarcastic. The purple robe male chuckled. "You know what you are, champs? You're all just little gate crashers," he stated, taking steps back toward Mevia and Racheal.

"And what do we do with gate crashers?" Mevia smirked.

Slab and the pink-haired female pulled out their swords and walked toward us. "Kill them and send 'em to the mines," he hissed.

"And I'll be taking Crystal, back to the Academy," Racheal stated, causing Jesse to push me behind him to protect me.

"Back off, muscles!"

We looked over to see Harper at the top of some stairs. "They're with me," she told them.

"Wellll... If it isn't Harper..." the purple male hissed.

"I must say, this return IS unexpected," the green robed male commented as Harper walked down to join us, standing by our side.

"You're telling me, I'm here for them," she told them.

"Ohhh really..." the purple robe male hummed, unconvinced. "So tell me, champs. Why do you think Harper brought you here? My bet's on 'Pets.' That'd be pretty cute, right?"

Mevia laughed. "Adorable," she mocked.

"We just want to get our friends and go home," Jesse calmly explained, walking up to the purple robed male.

Minecraft Story Mode Season 1 Episode 5-9 {Lukas x OC}Where stories live. Discover now