Episode 7 - To Where and Back Again

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"Previously on Minecraft Story Mode..." Ivor's voice echoed in the distance.

In the treasure room in Beacon Town, the group looked at the enchanted flint and steel. "That glow... That enchantment is the work of a very old group of builders, a group so old that they existed even before the Order of the Stone!" Ivor explained to the group.

The scene changed to Crystal lighting the portal to Sky City. But they were all knocked back, the flint and steel flying out of Crystal's hands and rolling away.

The scene then changed to them being in the portal hallway, walking down it while looking at all the portals.

"That's... Not what I was expecting..." Jesse's voice echoed as it faded to black.


We entered the portal hallway again, trying to get the slime out of our hair and armor. "Oh, god... Why is there even a slime world?" Jesse asked, getting the last of his slime out of his clothes.

"Yeah... Portal Ten... A bust," Lukas commented, pulling out his journal and writing something down.

"Worst... Portal... Ever..." Ivor hissed, wiping the slime off him as he glared at the portal.

"At least it wasn't something like a fire world," Petra pointed out, emptying slime from her helmet onto the floor.

"Don't jinx it, Petra," I replied, squeezing the slime out of my long hair.

"Regret on not getting a haircut?" Jesse smirked, nudging me in the side.

"Oh, be quiet. At least I looked great like those. I look ugly with short hair," I replied, glaring at him as I tried to get the last of the slime out. "Ugh... I can't get rid of the last of it..."

"Here. I got it," Lukas said, coming over to my side and getting the last of it out.

I blushed while I felt Lukas touching my hair, gently along with it. "T-Thanks Lukas," I thanked him, smiling once he finished.

"No problem," he replied, smiling back.

We heard Winslow meow and I looked down, watching him shake the slime out of his fur. "Guess he didn't like that world either," I commented.

"Seem like it," Lukas agreed.

"At least I can agree with that cat with something," Ivor muttered.

Petra set a hand on her hip. "Right. Since that didn't go to plan, what portal are we heading into next?" she asked.

"Crystal, it's your turn to pick," Jesse stated.

"You assume I can make good decisions. How bold of you to assume," I joked, turning around and walking down the hallway.

"Yeah Jesse, think you made the wrong choice," Petra joined in, the four following close behind me.

"Oh, ha, ha Crystal. Don't do that to me. You're judgment is fine and you know it," Jesse stated with a small playful glare.

"Oh, I'm sure of it," Ivor responded.

We went past a portal before I stopped at one that had a white glow but was surrounded by purple wool. "Okay, this one. This is the one I've chosen," I said.

"You sure? Because I don't know if this'll be the portal home," Lukas questioned.

"Lukas, my child. You'll never know if it is if you don't try it," I answered.

"I guess you do have a point," Lukas replied as Winslow hopped onto his shoulder, meowing in agreement.

"Let's just hope it isn't a fire world or another slime world," Ivor replied, walking through the portal.

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