Episode 5 - Jail Life Can Be Hard... Also The Eversource Is...

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Lukas, Ivor, and I sat in the large jail cell. I was sitting close to the bars, Ivor was sitting on one of the beds, and Lukas was leaning against the wall close to him.

Captain Reginald hummed as he looked through the chest that had our stuff in it.


I looked over and saw Lukas walking over to me, sitting down across from me. I smiled back at the blond. "Hey, Luke. You okay? Despite the circumstances," I asked.

He shrugged, waving his hand around. "I'm fine, other than still being mad about what Aiden is doing... And his plan is with you," Lukas said, glaring at the ground as he finished.

I smirked slightly, raising an eyebrow. "Lukas, are you jealous?" I questioned.

His eyes widened, face flushing red. "N-no, I'm not. Any-anyway, what are you thinking about?" Lukas asked, trying to change the subject.

I hummed, crossing my arms. "Well, my hitman fingers weren't tingling when we were around the Founder, so I can safely say she isn't bad. She's just... Being manipulated by Aiden," I confessed.

Lukas rubbed his chin in thought. "Yeah, it seems that way. But-"

"You guys have some really fascinating stuff here..." Captain Reginald commented, cutting Lukas off before going back to humming.

"Think we could make a deal? Trade some of our sweet stuff freedom?" I offered.

"I don't take bribes. Besides, I've already got all your stuff!" Captain Reginald denied, glancing back at us.

"Too bad," Ivor mumbled, seemingly sympathetic.

"Well, it was worth a shot..." I muttered as Lukas patted my shoulder in comfort.

"Oh, wow, what is this?"

We looked back over to see Captain Reginald walking over to us, holding a block of sand.

"That's... Mine?" Lukas said, raising an eyebrow.

"It's almost like dirt... But not," Captain Reginald said.

"That's called sand," I replied, standing up. "You've never seen sand before?"

"Sand! Wow. What's it do?" Captain Reginald asked.

"Are you kidding me? We are not going to explain sand to the guy locking us behind bars! I refuse!" Ivor groaned/complained.

"Well, whatever it does, it's going in the chest with everything else," Captain Reginald stated, turning around to put the sand back in the chest.

"Feh. Nothing sadder than an unimportant man on the world's tiniest power trip," Ivor commented as Lukas stood up.

Captain Reginald slammed the chest shut. "Hey, I don't have to take this. I'm in charge here," he yelled, walking back over to us. "You're criminals. Aiden told everyone all about how horrible Jesse and his friends are, and he brainwashed you, Crystal," he added with a glare.

He cleared his throat, trying to calm himself. At the same time, Lukas crossed his arms while I clenched my fist.

"Aiden said that Jesse would burn down trees, just for fun. That he and his gang steal all the worlds treasure's and hoard them for themselves... He also said that he'd tame wild animals, just so he could make them chase innocent people..." he continued to rant, walking to his left a bit.

I walked around Lukas so I could stand close to Captain Reginald. "Does this look like the face of a brainwashed person? Along with horrible captures?" I asked him.

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