Episode 9 - The Games, Older Builders, And An Old Rival

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"Previously on Minecraft Story Mode..." Jesse's voice echoed in the distance

"... If these builders truly existed, and if you found their temple... That means we're one step closer..." Ivor's voice trailed off as the main group walked through the portal hallway.

"That's... Not what I was expecting," Jesse commented as it faded to black.

The scene changed to where they were in front of the 'Fire World', where Lukas was trying to put out the fire on his bum. "See... Ugh! This is what I'm talking about. We're stuck in a rut - go through a portal, avoid dying long enough to get back to this stupid hallway..." Petra complained.

"... Wash, rinse, repeat... Yes," Ivor agreed as the scene changed to when Jesse, Lukas, and Ivor were meeting Harper down in the lab. "It would be nice if whoever made these left some sort of signs. Guideposts,"

"You can call me Harper," Haper introduced herself.

The scene went to black before showing Harper. "Your bravery is an impressive quality. I look forward to studying that aspect of your personality... Once you have been made useful,"

"We'll see about that," Lukas shouted, running toward the spires. 

The scene changed to him pulling out the heart, shutting PAMA down. "NOOOoooo..." PAMA cried as it shut down.

The scene changed to the group standing around Lukas, who was holding the Redstone Heart. "What is that?" Petra asked.

"This is the Redstone Heart," Petra replied.

"Beautiful..." Ivor mused.

"It can help you find your way home," Harper informed the group.

"How is this gonna do that?" Lukas asked before it went to black.

It changed to the group standing in front of the giant staircase in the portal hallway. Harper walked up to them. "The answers you're seeking... The Old Builders Atlas... Your way home... They're all right up those stairs,"

They walked closer to get a better look and saw that it went up for miles. "... Adventure?" Ivor breathed out.



We all stared up the staircase in disbelief, questioning probably... Why there were so many?! "Wow... That's a lot of stairs," Lukas commented, pulling out his journal to write it down.

"And all revealed by the Redstone Heart... Amazing," Ivor gushed.

"Yeah, not bad, right?" Harper agreed.

Walking over to the Redstone Heart, I pulled it out of the wall. Walking back over to the group, I gave it to Jesse, who put them in his inventory. Haprer motioned for me to go first. "After you,"

Sighing, I stepped in front of the group, looking up at the huge flight of stairs. "Okay, let's get this over with..." I grumbled.

"Alright, time to go home," Jesse said with a smile before we started to walk up the stairs.

"Yes, please," Petra agreed.

"I can't believe we're actually this close," Lukas admitted, falling into step alongside me.

"Feels like just yesterday we were building this place... Still don't agree with some of the aesthetic choices... Very odd to be back..." Harper spoke.

"Wait. You're from here?" Jesse asked.

Minecraft Story Mode Season 1 Episode 5-9 {Lukas x OC}Where stories live. Discover now