Episode 5 - A New Adventure?

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It was now early the next day as we finally arrived back in Beacon Town... And by back in Beacon Town, I mean that we're outside the gates. Ever since the Wither Storms had been defeated a year ago, people have been coming from far and wide to live here.

As we came closer to the gates, Axel sighed in relief. "Finally starting to recognize stuff again. Feels good almost be home," he said.

"Cheers to that, friend. I just can't shake what Aiden was saying about us back there. We DO get a lot of treasure, and I guess sometimes we might throw our weight around..." Olivia admitted.

"What? No! Aiden's got a bad case of treasure-envy, pure and simple," Axel denied.

Olivia shook her head. "I don't know..." she trailed off.

"I don't know, guys. Maybe Olivia has a point," I responded, crossing my arms.

"C'mon, Aiden's just jealous. Isn't that obvious?" Jesse started saying as the gates opened and we walked into Beacon Town. "He sees us with our fancy armor, cool treasure, and he wishes he had it, too,"

"I guess so," Olivia said.

Petra shrugged. "Still, don't know about the whole... Flirting with Crystal thing-"

"Can we please not bring that up!" Jesse stumblingly shouted, throwing his hands in the air.

Petra held up her hands. "Okay, sorry Jesse," she apologized.

"Anyway, moving on from that. It doesn't matter what Aiden thinks, there's one thing I knew," I said, putting my hands behind my head.

Jesse looked at me confused. "What's that?" he asked.

I nodded my head forward. "THEY think we're awesome," I said, causing the others to look forward.

We saw a male citizen jumping up and down excitingly. "They're back! They're back!" he cheered.

His friend looked over at us and smiled brightly before turning back to his friend. "Run! Tell everyone that our heroes have returned!" she said before the two ran off.

Soon, in about a few seconds, the streets were filled with people, celebrating our return. I was about to open my mouth when Axel pushed me aside. "Yep. The New Order of the Stone is BACK IN TOWN!" Axel announced while taking off his helmet.

The crowd started cheering and clapping as we started to walk toward the New Order's temple.

"Ahhh, there they are!"

"I like Olivia's armor the best! No, Axel's!"

"Man, it's so good to be back! We've been on this epic adventure full-on monsters, hidden temples, treasure..." Jesse listed off with a smile.

"But this place is looking awesome. Well done, everyone!" I told them, causing them to start cheering again.

"I can't take it anymore. Ah! You guys are awesome!"

We kept walking when suddenly, the girl from before came up to us. "Welcome back!" she greeted, holding up her hand.

Jesse gave her a high five, giving her an awkward smile. She ran over to her friend. "See that?! Jesse HIGH-FIVED me! ME!" she said as we walked past her.

As soon as we got past the crowd, we heard a terrified/horrified scream. We looked over in the direction it came from and saw a skull-shaped building with lava pouring out from it.

"That wasn't a 'happy to see us' scream," Olivia commented/observed.

"Wow. That's new. It somehow manages to evoke skulls AND tentacles," Petra joked.

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