Ten, not Four

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The next day, after the party that lasted seven hours, everyone was exhausted. Preston, on the other hand, who overdosed on caffeine, was feeling energetic. He couldn't sleep last night, and had difficulty processing what others were saying to him.

Max saw Preston shouting at Ered for her to be less drowsy. He ignored it, saying he won't deal with that early in the morning. Harrison woke up, and went to talk to Nerris, who seemed to be the less worn out than everyone at camp. He spotted, in the corner of his eye, a weird figure walking towards him. Nerris screamed, but realized that it was just the camp mascot, the platypus. Max heard the scream and ran towards her, almost tripping on a rock, but saw the animal and immediately stopped.

— It's still alive? asked Max, impressed.

— Woah... that scared me! exhaled Nerris, her hand over her chest. I learned that their life span could be up to seventeen years in captivity!

— It became really big... described Harrison.

The platypus walked over Nerris and jumped on her shoulder, trying to keep its balance, it's legs sliding off every time. Meanwhile, Nurf scolded Preston for making Ered even dizzier than before.

— It was a KIND and HANDSOME gesture of my part! screamed Preston, aggressively.

Nurf put on his red leather jacket, contrasting with his yellow shirt, who is still not all the way down his torso. His khaki pants camouflaged with the grass. Max hallucinated and thought that Nurf was floating. Neil, Nikki and Dolph woke up and complained about all the yelling.

— What's all the ruckus here? yawned Neil, half awake and feeling bothered.

Harrison was extremely disappointed. He needed to tell the camp one way or another, but everyone was too worn out by the party that happened last night. Max told him that he can tell them later.

A few hours passed by, David and Gwen met up with everyone for a usual camp activity.

— Since you are all grown up now, and some of you are adults, which is the most surprising thing throughout this whole reunion, we decided to go HIKING, marveled David in his usual happy-go-lucky tone.

— David, we are TIRED. How can we possibly go hiking with little to no energy left? reminded Neil, trying to keep his eyes open.

Everyone agreed with his statement. Gwen pulled David and recommended him to plan something more relaxing. Space Kid interrupted them.

— Who wants to go to bed?!? shouted Space Kid. They all mumbled "me'' and dragged themselves back in their tents.

David and Gwen smile.

— Well, free time, I guess. Do you want to do something, David? asked Gwen.

— Let's both go to sleep! Then, we would be as energized as them! I didn't get a good night's sleep either...

Gwen agreed and they both leave towards the counselors' cabin.

Harrison had trouble sleeping so he left to go see the Quartermaster to return his spell book. He knocked at his door, but no one answered. He got inside and saw him shaving baby doll heads. Harrison was freaked out, but didn't mind as much as when he was younger.

— You're tellin' me you had it for six years? yelled the Quartermaster. He snatched the book from Harrison, and started mumbling.

— I thought it would make me a good magician! You know, control my magic and stuff! Now all it does is scare my friends and warned me about an event that's going to happen!

— What??? coughed the Quartermaster

– I don't know it was something about the full moon, or whatever nonsen-

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