Golden Discovery

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In an unknown distance was an odd light shimmering between vast trees in a cold and humid environment. It appeared to be some sort of portal. He walked towards it, fearful. He cannot stop moving. His legs were numb, no control of his body whatsoever. The night sky became darker to reveal a bright full moon reflecting over the forest. As he halted in front of the golden colored portal, his arm raised subconsciously to touch it. At the slight contact of the portal, Harrison woke up, sweaty and panicked.

It was midnight. He got out of his bed to take fresh air. '' What was the weird dream I had? It felt so real!'' he thought. Harrison saw his reflection on a puddle of water. He didn't look very well. He looked dead.

A few minutes after contemplating his face, he heard a noise from behind him. It was Max.

—- What do you want, Max? asked Harrison, looking back at the pond.

— I just wanted to apologi-

Harrison cuts him off abruptly, turning around while looking at the ground.

— It's fine, it doesn't matter. As long as we stop talking to each other.

Max frowned.

— What do you mean? he questioned. This isn't a game, Harrison. I'm not ten. I just wanted us to be okay so that we can protect the camp...

— We are okay. Don't talk to me. I don't want to associate with anyone here anymore, Harrison answered.

Max walked towards him, but stopped as soon as Harrison looked back.

— Don't, Max, warned Harrison.

The magician wasn't even recognizable to Max. Harrison was a double-edged sword for him, at this point. Harrison wiped his face, and left for a walk in the woods. Max did not want to be against him. One part of him thought it was better for Harrison to leave and deal with his own problems then have someone else do it for him, but the other part was Max not wanting him to be in the risk of getting involved in another endless fight with an Umbra, so he decided to follow from afar.

— Seriously, Harrison. We are not OKAY! shouted Max. I know you understand, and I know you can suppress the Umbra, but it is better if we do it together! As a camp!

Harrison turned and adjusted his hat, hearing half about what Max was ranting about.

— Max, I get it. I just don't really know what to do anymore. I tried to ask Quartermaster about a lot of stuff, but he doesn't respond anymore. All he says is ''don't get pessimistic'' over and over again...

— Why ask Quartermaster? questioned Max. You can ask Ered who fucking absorbed the book!

— True, but Ered isn't Quartermaster, explained Harrison. If there is anything weird going on, it's about Quartermaster.

— Yeah but this time it's probably about... you? Max stuttered.

— What do you mean by that? argued Harrison.

— You know... the fights, the Umbras and Quartermaster not wanting to tell you information could just be because you're not, trustworthy? said Max, waving his arms around.

Harrison looked slightly angered but actually understood what Max was doing.

— You are trying to make an Umbra come out of me!

Max sighed.

— Not exactly, I'm just trying to, you know... not make this be a one-side conversation.

— I am talking! Harrison shouted.

— Well, not enough, Max admitted.

— That's not how you make someone engage in a conversation, you lunatic! shouted Harrison. You are provoking me!

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