Max, the Wild Coach of Camp Campbell

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  Part two of Set Out Camp!

I haven't been this confused in my life. I always thought that life itself was nothing. Void. How can we really know anything?

Of course, I'm a piece of shit. I didn't change that much, I moved back in with my parents, who somehow didn't mind me back. I knew they abandoned me at camp, but I don't know why they took me back. Money? Weird business? They never told me.  Throughout my whole sixteen years of living, I never knew the exact reason as to why my life is so upside down. So messy and full of emotions.

Everyone softened up. I wasn't getting along with Neil, since he expected more of me. Of course, I don't blame him. He doesn't know shit about my life. At least he missed me, as well as Nikki and the rest of the campers. For David and Gwen,  they care in a way, as I grew to care for the camp. Speaking of the camp, I guess I did become kinder.  Progress.

''Ever believed in magic?'' Harrison asked. Never. Ever. I never believed in such a thing. Until now. Seeing my friends get hurt and everyone not questioning anything about actual magic. But I thought about it. When I was ten. I thought it was a fever dream, but everything that happened back then was all real.

To fight with my friends. I've never been this excited to be on action before. It's been a long time.


Nerris woke up suddenly to hear whistling outside of her tent. Ered was on another individual bed. Her side was decorated with a whole bunch of pink and purple miscellaneous item. Ered eventually woke up, and groaned loudly. She and Nerris got dressed to see Max, wearing a baseball cap and with a whistle on his mouth.

— EVERYONE! shouted Max, energized. It's training time!

It was early in the morning. Preston, who was the first who woke up, was sitting on a bench located near Space Kid's tent. He was noting ideas on how Max could be a more dynamic coach. Harrison appeared, his formal wear in catastrophe.

— Max, seriously? This early? he growled.

— It's for everyone to get used to waking up early! continued shouting Max.

— But we barely slept yesterday! protested Nikki, who went outside shortly after Harrison. Can we do this another time?

Max grabbed a megaphone out of his sport bag.


Everyone covered their ears as soon as he got it out. They all started feeling less tired, and decided to go with it. Max lead everyone to a plain area in the woods. He noticed Harrison looking down while walking.

— What's wrong? Aren't you excited? asked Max.

— It's nothing.

Max realized that he wasn't sad, or disappointed. His eyes were wide open, as if he made a discovery. Max forgot about it on his way to the plain area.

All of the campers arrived. Dolph, who was still drowsy, went to a nearby pond to wash his face. Nurf looked at the rising sun. Preston was chasing Ered, who stole his notebook and started reading it out loud.
Nikki laughed at them, but slowly took her attention towards how beautiful the place was. It was a small area, the grass wasn't overgrown, and the trees surrounded to make the plain look like a circle. The place was colorful and relaxing. Max whistled to get everyone's attention.

— I'll be your coach for 2 months. Since we don't know shit about what our powers are, we need to train, obviously.

— I brought food in my bag too, announced Preston, who finally retrieved his notebook.

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