Retrieve to Gain

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After the planning to fight off the evil entities, Preston and Nikki prepared themselves for the ultimate break-in. It was nighttime, and Ered made Preston dress all in black. Nikki, on the other hand, was outside of the cabin, and pay close attention to any noise Preston might make by accident.

— If anything goes wrong, say ''peek'' quietly, and I will unleash the platypus, confirmed Nikki.

Preston shook his head and lifted his mask. He went inside and started looking for the book with a vague description of how it looks like. ''Dark brown leather with a purple gem in the middle and golden embroidery this should be visible enough'' he thought to himself. The platypus was in a dog kennel, faced towards the Quartermaster's store door. Preston knocks over a can of tuna, but it didn't make that much noise. The Quartermaster was sleeping while sitting, his head on his desk. Preston spotted the book on a shelf over his head, and slowly grabbed it with his rather long arms. He sneaks away, only to knock over a broomstick, which made a loud thump.

Peek! whispered Preston.

Nikki opened the dog kennel, and the platypus barged in the cabin. Preston and Nikki quickly began to rush away towards Harrison's tent. On their arrival, they hear the Quartermaster screaming at the platypus.

— That was a close one... said Preston, sweating.

— Let's give the book to Harrison now.

They both enter his tent to see Nerris and Dolph playing a board game. They stop their game and look at the duo.

— How was the break in? Did you get the book? asked Dolph, curious.

— YES! shouts Preston.

He threw it on Harrison's bed and sat on a chair, with his hand covering his face.

— I've never been this stressed in my LIFE! exhaled Preston.

— Come on Preston, it wasn't that bad! It was fun! exclaimed Nikki.

— Where is Harrison either way? he asked, annoyed.

— He went to go see Neil for further details on the pentagram, answered Nerris.

They both wait for Harrison, who came back shortly. He thanked the duo for retrieving the spell book. The five of them went outside, and with the help of the rest of the campers, they all draw a pentagram, and fill the depth of the lines with white gravel, according to the book. After they have finished, they looked at it, feeling accomplished. A big pentagram, in the center of the tent area.

— So, what now? asked Ered.

— Transmitting the magic, to us, said Neil, instantly, while dropping the spell book on the ground to the page that instructs ''Transmission of The Arcane''.

Harrison approached the book and read briefly what to do. They all follow Harrison in the woods, not too far from the tents. They gather around in a circle, the moon shining right above them. Max installed candles around the area.

— This is some freaky shit we are doing, but it's pretty awesome, he muttered, while putting down the last candle he had in the equipment box Ered prepared.

Max finishec and placed himself between Space Kid and Dolph.

— Why can't we just do it around the pentagram? asks Nerris.

— We can't, it would capture Harrison's magic, and could potentially ruin everything, explained Neil.

— Wow, Neil! Science camper, huh? chuckled Nikki.

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