Quartermaster's Quarter Implication

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Harrison was tired and weak. He was making the campers levitate and tried desperately to not make them hit any trees on the way. The magician spotted David and Gwen, carrying Max.

David walked towards Harrison and saw the campers that were all unconscious.

— Ered, Preston and Dolph all left... the aura that came out of me was stronger than they thought. They told us to run away! explained David.

Harrison made them all lay on the grass, next to each other. David healed all of them from their injuries, and Gwen was starting to feel exhausted.

— I hate this! All of our campers are in danger. I've never been this unhappy in my life! shouted David, frowning.

Gwen comforted David, and Max woke up. He tilted his head upwards and used his arms to sit down. Harrison went to see him, but Max couldn't talk, he only had enough energy to be awake.

After Max, Neil opened his eyes, and started looking around.

— Where are we...? he asked. What happened..?

— All of you got hit by the Umbra, but don't worry, I defeated it. It's been almost a day since we left the camp, explained Harrison.

David and Gwen stayed with the campers. Harrison, Neil and Max (who were having trouble walking, but were getting used to it very quickly) went on the lookout for the missing campers. The counselors stayed to rest and take care of the injured.

— Wait... I can go with you guys! shouted Nikki. I'm feeling alright!

David agreed to let her go. The campers went through a small passage between some trees, and finally got out of the area. The trees were more separated. Nikki paid close attention to any sound that the Umbra might make.

— I can't hear anything, but it's so quiet here! Too quiet...

Max was looking around to avoid getting jumpscared by the Umbra. No sign of it. Since Harrison mastered his magic while fighting it, he decided to make himself fly. Max facepalmed.

— Well, Harrison! You said Max couldn't do that! said Neil, confused.

— I did, but I know how to use my magic properly after fighting the ''stronger than before'' Umbra. Maybe Max is smarter, but definitely doesn't know how to manipulate his magic.

Max groaned and looked at Harrison while he levitated up in the air. He was flying fast, but didn't find any sign of the missing campers.


Back at Camp Campbell was Quartermaster, doing his usual ritual. He stopped, and went outside, disturbed.

— There is somethin' wrong here... he said. Too quiet.

He took out a lantern mysteriously out of nowhere, and went inside the forest.


Preston, Ered and Dolph were running away from the aura. They escaped the vast forest, to end up in a nearby lake. It was small and there were no trees across.

— We have to do something... we can't just run away from it! screamed Dolph.

— I can't use my magic on it... it's not strong enough, stated Preston.

Ered decided to not run away. She stopped, and then looked for something to turn into its original state. Wood? Grass? She knew her usual energy couldn't be strong enough to defeat the Umbra.

''Damn it! Now that I think of it, my magic is completely useless sometimes!'' Ered thought to herself.

Preston walked up to her. The Umbra wasn't near them, but they could hear its sound echoing around.

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