Accidental Love and Surprising Encounter

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It was dawn. Harrison wasn't able to sleep at night. So many things happening at the same time, and he felt bewildered. Him, Max and the camp trying to help... Harrison thought that he was the only one that wasn't doing any progress whatsoever and only trying to get attention.

A strong breeze came rushing through the camp harshly. Harrison got out of his tent. The breeze stopped suddenly, much to his confusion. He noticed Nerris sitting on a log next to her tent, picking up her book that fell. She rearranged her glasses, and went back to reading. Harrison did not want to approach her, since Ered appeared. He then walked towards the mess hall to take breakfast.

Something felt off about the atmosphere of the camp. Harrison remarked that he had slightly wet hair, and outside the window, gray clouds were forming. He got up of the picnic table to observe. Weirdly enough, the exterior was very bright and Harrison had difficulty seeing, blocking his olive coloured eyes with his hand to avoid tearing up. The sun was emitting light through the clouds. Abruptly, it started to rain. Pouring rain. The mess hall door opened harshly to show Gwen and Nikki entering, all soaked.

— We should do it again sometime! screamed Nikki.

It appeared that Gwen and Nikki went out hiking, much to Quartermaster's disapproval.

— You guys could've been in serious danger! Why did you go? questioned Harrison, furious.

— Pfft... it's fine, Harrison! We made sure that we were in a good mood beforehand! answered Nikki. Right, Gwen?

— You betcha! she said.

Harrison rolled his eyes and went back to eating his breakfast. A few hours passed by and the rain stopped. Max, Neil and David entered the mess hall, surprisingly energetic.

— Ahh... Thanks David, for changing to waterproof tents! exclaimed Neil.

Max went to sit as far away as possible from Harrison and tried to avoid eye contact as much as he could. Neil, on the other hand, was focused on building a little robot using his magic.

— This is great! I always knew telekinesis and that electricity spell that I learned would be a perfect match! I invent anything now. I'll name him... Kyler 2022.

— Kyler? commented Gwen with a grimace.

— What electricity spell? Max asked. You can do electricity by yourself with no spells!

Neil ignored her but looked at Max with his eyes opened. Max was drawing on the table and Nikki, who sat right beside him, was eating wildly her mashed potatoes.

— I wonder why no one is here yet? she realized. It's ten in the morning.

Harrison got up from the picnic table and went outside. The sun was shining brightly compared to dawn. He decided to go retrieve the spell book, to find a spell that can make everyone more tolerant.

— Nerris? Ered? Can I come in? asked Harrison, in front of their tent.

— Yeah! We were just about to invite you! said Ered, unzipping the tent.

Harrison saw that they were planning something. A small wooden table was set in the middle of the tent, with the Umbra drawing from Quartermaster, the spell book and a few papers written on it.

— What are you guys doing? questioned Harrison.

- Understanding the Umbra and our magic, like usual, answered Nerris. We don't have many answers, to be honest. Me and Ered were testing our magic many times to see if we could do something different without spells, but we really have to stick with what we have.

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