June's Mayhem

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Part 4 of Set Out Camp!

David walked around the forest feeling lost. He stepped on a branch, yelped and ran deeper, in search for something.He heard a noise behind him. As he turned quickly, he noticed that nothing was there. Suddenly, a pair of glowing green eyes came closer to him. David was too scared to move, his legs were trembling in fear. The eyes appeared to belong to a dark gray wolf. The animal stared deeply at David, and then licked his hand. On contact, David woke up, out of what seemed to be a vision.

A VISION?!? shouted Harrison and Max, cereal falling off their mouths.

David looked at the picnic table for a few minutes before clarifying.

I can't really remember it, but it was terrifying! he expressed, sweat dripping off his face.

— So what? You probably had like a sleep paralysis or something, I doubt it would be an actual ''vision'', said Gwen, not believing a word he said.

Max and Harrison looked at each other with doubt. A few hours past, David was feeling more anxious than before, constantly asking Gwen if she ever experienced a dream like his before.

Max and Harrison saw this as an opportunity to sneakily prepare their invasion. They gather all the campers in the training area. Max noticed that someone was missing.

— Uh, where is Space Kid...? he asked, worried.

The campers said that they haven't seen him since yesterday.

— He is probably with David, answered Nurf.

Max facepalmed but continued his explanation.

— So, basically... the Wood Scouts are pretty fucking stupid, so if someone short enough were to sneak in their entrance and hide inside of one of their tents, they wouldn't suspect a thing. After that, Nurf and Ered will go from behind their base and destroy the stone wall, letting the rest of us enter. We have to be discrete, so don't make a lot of noise and the plan would work perfectly.

— Can't we just fly? asked Nerris.

— Right... Max mumbled.

The campers left the training area to head towards the docks. Meanwhile, David came rushing in, paranoid. Max ignored him and asked where Space Kid went.

— Space Kid? He wasn't with me and I didn't see him, it's been a while! David yelped. Uh, he mouthed, seeing that Nikki built a bridge with her magic. What are you kids doing?

Max wanted to avoid David as much as possible, scared that he might be against invading the Wood Scouts. Therefore, he distracted him saying that if he bothered Gwen more he might actually know what happened in his ''dream''. David ran towards the counselor's cabin. The campers walked the bridge that went all the way to the Wood Scout's base camp. Nerris kept losing balance because of how fragile the bridge was, but Harrison held her hand. Max was walking as if it were normal ground. At their arrival, Nerris flew over the brick wall with the help of a solid cloud capable of picking her up. When she landed, the cloud went back up to carry Nikki, Nurf, Preston and Space Kid.

— Space Kid!?! Nerris whispered loudly. Where were you?

Max appeared leaping with ease in his bird transformation. Neil, Harrison, Dolph and Ered transported themselves.

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