The Otherworld

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Nerris woke up in the middle of the day with a headache. ''Ered is gone? Weird. She usually wakes up later than this''. She then takes a sip of her water bottle, thinking about Max and Harrison.

— Nerris! shouted Nurf, panicked. They are GONE!

Nerris went outside to see the campers looking and shouting the names of the missing group.

— Why would they leave without warning us? asked Preston.

— I mean, started Ered, c'mon guys... I guess they went for a... walk?

— It doesn't matter, said Nurf. We need to find them, even if they went for a walk, it would be stupid to go without safety.

The Quartermaster store seemed to be open, and shortly after, Dolph ran out of it.

— He is gone! shouted Dolph. Quartermaster left with them!

— That's good to hear, mumbled Preston. But we can't just stay here! It's wrong. What if they are currently in trouble?

— Alright guys, started Nurf. Let's make a plan. We already knew the consequences of our actions when we separated during our hike in the woods, so let's all stay together. We will walk straight forward so if we have to go back to camp, we can rest assured that it's behind us.

— But how can we find them if we only go in a straight line? protested Nerris.

— We will use our magic of course! angered Nurf. Who here can fly?

— I can, answered Dolph.

— I could try, said Nerris.

— No, saddened Preston.

— Yeah, stated Ered.

— Nah... not really, admitted Nikki.

Nurf aligns the campers in order. Nerris, Ered and Dolph are located in front of the campers who can't fly.

— If anything backfires, explained Nurf, we can catch you guys. NO ISSUES!

They all started their search.


— Shut the fuck up! screamed Max. Just try to do a portal!

— I can't, you asshole! Harrison shouted. I'm not trained for that, and we don't even have the spell book!

Max lost hope. The only way they could've gotten out was when the portal was there, but it mysteriously disappeared. The duo walked around the unknown forest they were in. When they reached a plain location, they noticed that the sun was going down, meaning that the time was different than the ''real world''. They watched the sky as the sun lowered on the right side of what seemed to be a giant statue of Satan, located right in front of them. Max ignored it, not able to deal with the fact he couldn't get out. He squatted down, trying to think of a way to do so. He suddenly freaked out, much to Harrison surprise (who was not noticing him at first, being too busy examining the statue). Max looked at the statue quickly and noticed something very specific about it.

— Yes! he screamed. Look, Harrison. It's forming a circle with its hands!

Max was right. Harrison became confused.

— he questioned.

Max walked closer to the statue, grabbing Harrison by the arm. He finally understood.

— There is a missing piece, we have to find it, mumbled Max. Hopefully it won't be a waste of time...

— I think I know a spell for finding specific things... replied Harrison.

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