Chapter 15

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We soon finished eating and were just sitting our seats, smiling and laughing a whole lot before i looked out the window to see a now grey sky. My smile dimmed; I hated rainy weather. I looked back to Lucian who was staring at his phone before speaking, "its getting kind of late, we should probably head back home."

Lucian nodded, seeming a bit out of it. I brushed it off and sighed before standing and grabbing all my bags. We walked out of the cafe together and down the sidewalks, that were now almost empty of people. I glanced at Lucian out of the corner of my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows as i looked back down to the street. I wonder what was on his mind. We finally made it to the car as it had just started to rain slightly. We both put our bags in the trunk before silently getting into our seats. I did up my seat belt as did Lucian and i keep peeking at him the whole ride home.


We were seated on the couch, the sun setting. Well, the sun wasn't out, it was just getting darker and darker by the minute, all the while the rain as falling harder and harder. I sighed and got up, walking to the doorway before stopping and turning my head to Lucian. "Do you want some coffee?" I asked, my voice sounding like a whisper.

He nodded, not muttering anything or even glancing in my direction. I took in a deep breath and let it out slowly as i walked into the pitch black Kitchen. I turned on the stove light on and emptied the coffee pot, putting fresh water in it and started boiling it. I leaned against the counter, looking around his kitchen. The cabinets were a dark oak, the counter was a dark grey, the appliances were old looking; almost antique. I sighed and walked back to where Lucian was sitting, only to find him gone from his seat. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around the room, not seeing him. I shrugged, maybe he went to the bathroom. I paced around the living room, looking at the art and photographs that were framed around the walls. I neared the lit fireplace, hearing the wind howl outside. I smiled a bit when i saw some of the gifts i got Lucian up on the mantel. I then heard the pot beeping, letting me know it was ready. I quickly walked back into the kitchen, pouring the hot liquid into the two cups beside it. I stirred it around a bit before taking both the cups and walking into the sitting room, placing the cups on a nearby table. "Lucian, your coffee is ready!" I called out to him; no response. "Louie?" I called again, walking over to the stairway. I furrowed my eyebrows, "where did he go?" I questioned myself. I heard the floorboards creaking in one of the other rooms. I walked around a corner, to find Lucian standing there staring out the window. I approached him, peeking over his shoulder into the darkness. "What are you looking at?" I asked, my eyes moving to his face.

He blinked slowly and turned his face away from me. "Nothing." He said, annoyance in his voice. "Its none of your business." He snapped.

I raised an eyebrow. "Okay, Jesus. You don't need to get so protective." I held up my hands and stared to walk away.

"I'm not fucking being protective, I'm just saying you need to mind your business and get out of my face!" He yelled at me, taking a step and glaring at me.

I turned to face him, my eyebrows furrowed together as i gave him a puzzled look. "Why are you getting so upset?" I questioned.

He ran his fingers through his hair and shifted around, his purple eyes wandering around the room before they landed on me again. "Because you're pissing me off, Okay?" He took a breath. "Why don't you just go? Leave my house because I really don't want to see or talk to you right now." He said before turning to window again.

I raised my eyebrows now, taking a step towards him. 'What the fuck did i do to get you so upset with me, Lucian?" I shook my head, scoffing and taking another step. "Because i haven't said anything, i haven't did anything. Hell, i made you coffee." I laughed.

He shook his head at the window. "Leo, you get into other peoples business. You always talk to the people who don't want to be talked to, you always say things, little things that piss me off sometimes, y'know?" He said, turning to me with his eyebrows raised.

I laughed, looking around the room. "Louie, you and i both know that isn't true." I said gently, looking back at him and taking one more step towards him, now close enough to hug him or just touch him. I looked down at his hand, gently reaching for it. Suddenly right as i touched it, he yanked it away and pushed me back into the wall. i looked at him, a very confused look on my face.

"Don't fucking touch me!" He snapped. "That wont fix it, Leo. Nothing will fix it! I don't have another option, i don't have anything else! I cant do this, Leo. I don't want to do this!" He yelled, running at me with a tight fist.

I ducked and pinned him against the wall, thinking about what he was said. "What are you talking about?" I asked, feeling like i was in a dream now.

He clenched his jaw and tried to push me away, making me push his chest harder into the wall. He wheezed a bit. "Its none of your business!" He cried.

"Stop being a little bitch!" I growled, sick of his attitude. "It shouldn't be me who's getting it taken out on just because your in a shit mood, okay?" I took him off the wall, pushing him back into the room. "Grow up! Your acting like a kid who didn't get what they wanted at the store." I shouted.

Lucian glared at me angrily, breathing deeply yet now he was saying nothing.

"Do you want an ice cream or something? A cookie, what about some candy?" I said in a mocking voice, pouting slightly. "Well guess what, princess? I think you need to go sit in the time out chair, and maybe think about what you did." I smirked a bit before he came at me and punched me in the jaw. I winced and put a hand to my face, before he pushed me back against the wall. I stared at him, my eyebrows furrowed. "You just punched me..." I said quietly, not believing he would actually do something like that.

There were tears in his eyes. "I want you to leave, Leo. I need you to leave." He sad before grabbing my wrist and pulling me to the door. He burst it open and pushed me out. I turned back to him, confused about this whole situation.

"Leo, you know i love you. And that's why i need you to leave. I want you to never come back here, forget about me and go have fun and live life." He said, tears spilling onto his cheeks.

My breathing was heavy, like his. "Lucian, are you kidding? Look, i'm sorry about what happened but don't do this." I laughed a bit, shaking my head. "Are you drunk or something?"

He smiled slightly and shook his head. 'No, i just, er.." He stopped, looking at me for a long time before he nodded and kissed my lips gently. I pulled away after a moment and looked at him. "Goodbye, Cecilio." He said before closing the door.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I stood on his doorstep in the pouring rain for what seemed like years before i couldn't feel any of my limbs, and i started walking home. I looked up, nothing but darkness in the sky, in my head and in my heart. I sighed and shoved my hands in my pockets before i looked to the ground. "Goodbye, Lucian." I muttered.

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