Chapter 13

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We were sat on the couch, watching the weather channel as our food settled into our stomachs. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. "What would you like to do today?" I asked him, my eyes moving to see him.

He shrugged and smiled at me, "whatever you wish to do, darling." He chuckled as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

I put my legs down so I could snuggle with him. I listened to his heartbeat as i thought of the different activities we could do. "Wanna walk around town?" I questioned, looking up at him.

He nodded and kissed my nose. "That would be lovely." He smiled before he turned his attention back to his television. He snatched the remote and stared clicking through channels; my eyes following his every movement. I took in a deep breath, the smell of the pancakes filling my nose and making me wish I had more.

A couple hours passed and it was now late morning. I entered the bathroom, grabbing Lucians comb and brushing my hair quickly? My curls bouncing up in their place after i brushed them down to my head. I looked at myself in the mirror, the bags under my eyes were slowly fading, my faint freckles were visible on my now pale face. My body looked stiff, my arms looking flatter than their usual. I pulled my shirt from yesterday over my head and down to my hip bones. I fluffed my hair and rubbed my eyes before I headed out of the bathroom into the entry way where Lucian was standing. I pulled my jacket over my back, pushing my arms through and adjusting its position on my body.

Lucian watched me before he opened the big wooden door and asked, "ready to go?"

I nodded and smiled at him, taking his hand and walking out to the platform before the stairs.

Lucian smiled as he followed me, gripping my hand gently as he locked the door behind him.

(( Sorry, this chapter is so super and that I haven't been posting much lately! I'll get back on it soon! Thank you guys for the read and likes, I really appreciate it and this next chapter will be longer! ~smae_sheeran ))

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