Chapter 10

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We parked into the restaurants driveway and smiled at each other. I took out the keys and exited the car, Lucian following my actions. We met at the front of the car and walked side by side to the entrance of the restaurant, grinning widely like idiots. I looked around the restaurant, the gold and brown matched together well, the bright crystal chandeliers hung in perfect symmetry throughout the building. There was chatter and soft music playing from the ceiling speakers; it was calming. I looked at Lucian and smiled, his eyes sparkling in the dim light and his smile widening as he continued to look around. Suddenly, we were both knocked out of our trance when the lady at the front desk asked, "table for two?" We both looked at her, Lucian titling his head as I raised my eyebrows. "Hm? Oh...yes please." I smiled at her kindly and took Lucians hand as the girl in the delicate black dress grabbed our menus, and led us to a small table for two. We both smiled and thanked her as we took our seats. "You'll be served shortly." She nodded and smiled before heading back to her place at the front desk. I shifted around and took off my jacket, setting it in the small space beside me and the wall; Lucian keeping his on. I smiled at him from the other side of the table and titled my head; he was so perfectly handsome. Lucian opened his menu and glanced up at me, chuckling. I blushed slightly and did the same, my eyes slowly reading each meal they had to offer before closing it and placing it nicely on the table. Lucian did the same, smiling as he leaned his head in his hands. "So," he started. "Tell me about yourself." He smirked.

I laughed, "you already know everything about me!" I shrugged, grinning.

He nodded. "I know, but I want to here everything about you again." He smiled warmly, making my heart stop.

I blushed and chuckled. "Okay. Well I work in a café downtown and I'm Italian. I can play violin, piano, guitar and sing. I don't like dancing because I can't, it's a horrible sight to see," we both laughed. "I have a twin sister, another sister and two brothers." I finished.

He smiled and shifted around, sighing happily. "You're so goddamn perfect.." He mumbled. He shook his head as he ran his fingers through his black hair.

I raised my brows, opening to speak before I was interrupted by the waitress. She smiled at us and held a notepad in her small hands, her blonde hair pulled neatly into a bun in the back of her head. Her dress was black with a gold belt around the waist, she was quite beautiful. "Hi! I'm Lindsay, I'll be your server this evening. How about we start with drinks?" She asked politely, a small Italian accent pulling through. I glanced over at Lucian who nodded. "Yes please, I'll have a coke." He looked over at me. I looked up at the girl, who's eyes were on me also. "And I'll have a limoncello." I smiled. She nodded and quickly wrote on her notepad before she took a step back and smiled. "Great! I'll be back shortly with both of your drinks." She nodded and disappeared through the swinging kitchen doors. I looked over at Lucian. "Now tell me about yourself." I smirked.

He chuckled. "If you say so..." He shrugged, clearing his throat before speaking. "Well, I'm Lucian. I'm from Transylvania and people often mistake me as a vampire, because my teeth are unusually sharp. I enjoy sitting in my dark room by myself and listening to music, playing the drums and drawing." He shrugged.

I smiled and sighed happily, which then turned into a chuckle. "I love you, Louie." I nodded, our gaze meeting.

"I love you too, Leo." He said softly. Soon enough, the waitress came back holding a tray with our drinks on it. She gently set each of them down in front of us, smiling the whole time. "Are you two ready to order now?" She asked, setting the tray on the table and whipping out her notepad. We both nodded.

"I'll have the Chicken Alfredo." I simply told her. She nodded and jolted it down quickly before her gaze moved to Lucian. "I'll have the lasagna." He smiled at her a bit. He nodded and smiled at the both of us before taking her tray and heading back to the kitchen. I looked down to my hands, cracking my knuckles before looking up at Lucian.

"How's Lulia?" I asked him, leaning on the table.

"She good. She sits in her room all day and does nothing really. So the usual." He smiled. "How's Cecilia?" He titled his head as he asked it.

I chuckled, he was one of the few people who called her Cecilia. "She's doing good, happy and annoying like usual. She's probably making pasta right now which isn't new." I smiled and nodded.

He laughed. "Yeah, that's good." He smiled at me before glancing around at the other people around us. They talked, some louder than others, some weren't talking at all. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked around, seeing people laugh and eat and have fun; it was nice. I liked that we were part of this crowd.

After a while of talking and joking and laughing together, our food arrived. The waitress gently set it down and smiled at us before we started digging in. I didn't care that it was burning my mouth, it was delicious either way; and I was starving. We ate quietly, out mouths too full to speak. I glanced over at him, my food soon disappearing, along with his. I took my napkin and wiped my mouth, taking a long gulp of my drink once I was finished everything. Lucian soon finished up and we sat there, too full to say anything. I smiled. "How was your meal?" I asked, leaning back in the booth.

He nodded and smiled slightly, looking down at his plate. "It was delicious. I loved it." His eyes finally glanced up, meeting mine.

I smiled. "Do you want dessert?"

He shrugged. "It doesn't matter. I know I'm going to have some later so..." He shrugged, smirking.

I nodded, standing and grabbing my jacket. "Okay." I slipped my jacket on and paid bill that was set on the table from earlier. Lucian gave a tip, leaving it by the check before I took his hand in mine and together we exited the restaurant.

[] Hey! Sorry I haven't updated in forever, I've just been sad lately and didn't feel like writing anything. So anyway, I hope you like this chapter, and this next chapter is going to be a yaoi chapter... So you've been warned ~smae_sheeran []

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