Molly the Clever

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"This is amazing."

"Henderson – this is not amazing," I snapped, gnawing on my thumbnail and glancing around the cafeteria.

"We need more female representation in the club," he retorted, raising his eyebrows patronizingly. Jeff and Gareth were reduced to giggles, each of them leaning into one another and laughing like hyenas.

"You guys have to play it cool," I snapped, smacking Gareth in the chest. They finally calmed down.

"Munson – this is what you wanted!" Jeff teased. Gareth nodded.

"And to think – you thought you weren't going to interact with her before you graduated!" Gareth piled on.

"Now you've got a whole semester with her!" Jeff replied. I felt my face heat and my stomach drop.

"You two are assholes," I hissed. Dustin took a bite of his sandwich.

"I'm going to ask if she wants to play with us," he said, shrugging simply. My eyes widened.

"Did someone hit you in the head?" I practically yelled. I looked around and lowered my voice. "There's no way in hell I'm letting you ask Margot Patterson to play Dungeons and Dragons with us. I almost considered cancelling today."

"We're in the middle of a campaign – you can't cancel!" Dustin roared. I glared at him.

"Obviously, I didn't, you buffoon – Margot insisted that I keep the meeting on."

"She sounds like she will be a good addition to the group," Dustin replied, grinning at me. I groaned and leaned back in my chair. I glanced around and watched Margot laugh and sit next to Jason. He put an arm around her shoulder and continued the joke that made her laugh. I felt jealousy burn through me and thought for a minute about joining the basketball team.

I continued to stew in silence, dreading English and Hellfire Club. I was stupid for trying to influence Ms. Donnell for making Margot and I partners. The bell for class rang and I stood, walking with Hellfire. I watched Margot as she walked out of the cafeteria, her hair tossing behind her.

I was an idiot. I should have just remained in my far away crush.


I sat in my usual spot in English, pulling a notebook out to keep doodling. I was surprised when I heard someone sit in the seat next to me – it was normally empty. I looked up and blanched, my nerves shot.

"Hi, Eddie," Margot greeted, pulling her notebook out of her bag and tucking a curl behind her ear. She was grinning at me, and I was too stupefied to be normal.

"Why are you sitting there?" I asked. She furrowed her brows.

"Oh, sorry – should I move?"

"No!" I answered immediately, not wanting her to leave. I cleared my throat. "I just, uh, I'm not used to people sitting there."

"Got it – well, get used to it!" she replied, crossing her legs and looking up front. I watched her.

She was in jeans and a knit sweater, a scrunchie around her wrist. I was grateful that if she was coming to Hellfire, she wasn't going to be in her tennis skirt. I shook my head and looked back up front, clearing my throat.

"So, should I be ready for anything specific in Hellfire today?" she asked, looking back at me. I coughed, forgetting how to breath.

"You really don't have to go—"

"Seriously, it's not a big deal! I just want to make sure I'm not bringing the group down."

"You'd never do that!" I insisted, too enthusiastically. She grinned and nodded, looking back up to the front of the classroom as Ms. Donnell started her lesson. I was unable to focus, trying my hardest to keep my head down and focused on my doodle so I didn't stare at Margot. I saw her out of the corner of my eye pull her hair up into her scrunchie and forced my head to stay pointed forward.

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