Hide and Seek

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Eddie's eyes were wide and shocked, and he was the kind of nervous I loved – the kind that was full of bumbling compliments and anxious stares. I grinned and tugged on his flannel quickly. He turned bright red and nodded quickly. I winked and sauntered off, wanting to turn and look at him, but deciding to play it cool.

I walked into the kitchen, smiling at the friends I had made over the last year. Amy Park stopped me, squealing with delight as she hugged me.

"Margot, we've missed you!" she slurred, obviously drunk. I hugged her back and smiled as I pulled away. "Where have you been?"

I glanced over her shoulder and watched a nervous Eddie maneuver through the crowd. We locked eyes and I grinned.

"Busy with school, I guess," I replied. Eddie bumped into someone and looked away, and I took the opportunity to disappear into the crowd again. I grabbed a beer on my way to find Chrissy. Everyone was greeting me, stopping me to say hello, and I finally found Chrissy.

She was drunk, her arms hanging around Jason's neck as they giggled at one another. She glanced over and her face lit up when she saw me.

"Margot!" she exclaimed, dropping Jason and running to me. I laughed as she slammed into me for a hug.

"Happy birthday, Chris!" I cheered, hugging her back. We laughed as we stumbled around, and I dropped her to smile at her. Jason came over and put his arm around the two of us. They were hammered – I had only seen them like this a few times, and I was curious to see how they would interact with one another now that they were together.

"Mar-got brought a daaaaaaate," Jason teased. I felt my stomach drop and my face flushed. Chrissy looked at me, her eyes wide.

"What? Who?" Chrissy asked, poking me. I shook my head and elbowed Jason.

"It's just Eddie," I replied, not directly answering her question. Chrissy rolled her eyes and smacked Jason on the chest.

"Oh, you're so annoying – Eddie Munson isn't ever going to be Margot's date!" she snapped. I felt a flash of anger but tempered it quickly. I shook my head.

"You guys are drunk," I commented, pulling away from them.

"Oh, come on, Margot – drunk or not, you know I'm right," Chrissy said, hooking her arms around Jason's neck again. I kept my fake smile on and tried to fight the mix of anger and panic back. I noticed Jason was watching me, trying to discern something. I smiled wider.

"Why don't you get a game of beer pong going? I'm going to say hi to some folks," I suggested, walking away from them. Before they could answer, I disappeared into the crowd.

I glanced around, taking a sip of my beer and trying to play it cool. I smiled at some people and turned again. I felt my butterflies swarm as I finally caught sight of my secret boyfriend. I hadn't ever realized how tall he was, towering about a head over everyone. This would make our game a little more challenging.

"Did anyone see where Mar-got went?" I heard Jason shout, probably trying to find me for the game I suggested. I caught Eddie's eye for a moment – his face lit up into one of my favorite smiles – and I quickly slunk out of sight. I tried not to giggle at myself as I quickly weaved through the crowd.

I made my way to a hallway in Chrissy's house and ducked into a coat closet. I was acutely aware of my breathing and tried to calm my nerves. I sat in the dark for what felt like forever, and I almost decided to give the game up.

"Princess?" Eddie whisper shouted. I felt my butterflies act up and smiled wildly. "Come out, come out wherever you are."

My smile grew and I hid further in the coats. I heard him try to quietly open doors in the hallway.

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