Your Lines

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"Zippers should not be this complicated," Eddie said between kisses, frantically grasping at the back of my dress as we stumbled back into his room. I giggled at his tipsy attempt at getting my clothes off and I set my hands on his chest to calm him down. He smiled nervously at me, his face flushing.

We had continued to dance and stumble over one another, Eddie continuing to drink from the flask I learned that Wayne gave him. He didn't get drunk, just tipsy and sweet, but I still insisted on driving us back to his trailer. Once we got out, he was on me immediately, his hands frantic and his touch making me dizzy.

He had his hands on my waist, and I turned in his hold, pulling my hair over one shoulder. He paused and then nervously reached out to the zipper, his hands shaking as he finally undid my dress. He placed a soft kiss on the nape of my neck, making me shiver. I shimmied out of the dress, and he took it from me, draping it over the chair in front of his desk.

I crossed my arms, feeling particularly vulnerable and trying to cover myself. I watched as Eddie pulled his suit jacket off and loosened his tie. He turned to me, grinning wildly and wrapping his arms around me, pulling me close. I kept my arms wrapped around my body, flushing as Eddie kissed my shoulder.

"I wish I could have known you when you were just Old Margot," he said quietly. I furrowed my brows.

"You would never have been into me," I replied quickly, feeling even more vulnerable. He smiled sweetly and shook his head.

"I would have seen those legs and been just as in love as I am now," he insisted. I felt my face burn and looked down. He kissed my forehead softly. "I wouldn't have waited a year to talk to you. I would have tried to get you to join Hellfire, and I still would have helped you cheat."

I pressed my forehead to his shoulder, my whole body on fire. He kissed my cheeks, just as soft.

"I would have taken you to see Labyrinth the weekend it came out, but you wouldn't even have had time to fall in love with David Bowie, I'd have you so distracted."

I looked up at him, my stomach flipping. He was beaming at me.

"I don't love you because of what you created with New Margot. I loved you because you're Margot."

I felt my face heat even more and I looked down again.

"You and your lines, Eddie Munson," I replied. He winked at me.

"How about this for a line," he started, guiding me back to his bed and laying me back, holding himself over me and making my heart pound. He kissed my chin, then my nose, then my forehead, each kiss soft and sweet. "I'm your Sir Tiebaut, Princess Margot. We were always destined to be."

I melted as he kissed me, throwing my arms around his neck and pulling him close to me. He pressed his forehead to mine, grinning.

"How was that for a line?" he asked. I grinned.

"Pretty dorky," I teased. He winked.

"Might be dorky, but I still got the beauty," he quipped, kissing me again. I pulled him close to me, smiling at him.

"More like the dork got the dork," I joked, making him laugh. He moved down my neck, nipping at it, and I hummed happily.

"Even if you're a dork, I still hit the jackpot," he whispered into my neck, making me shudder.


"All I'm saying is that maybe at a party in the future, you and I could pick a very public couch to make out on," I insisted, gesturing with Margot's hand. She laughed and smacked my chest.

"You are such a menace – I practically wear you as a coat at school, but you still want to do that?" she teased. I looked down at her, grinning wildly.

We were still in bed, neither of us dressed, and both of us making the other laugh all morning. We had fallen asleep late, wrapped up with one another, still dreaming of the dance. I heard Wayne come in from his night shift, but he was kind enough not to make his usual scene about breakfast, and seemingly went straight to bed.

"Go, I don't think you understand how much I need to show you off," I flirted, kissing her hand that was still in mine. She grinned bashfully before burying her face into my neck and making my heart start pounding.

"I love you, Eddie Munson," she mumbled into my neck. I grinned and kissed the side of her face.

"Love you, too, princess," I replied, pulling her closer. We sat in a comfortable silence, her scratching my chest and me playing with her hair. I kissed her forehead. "What do you want to do today?"

"This," she replied quickly, not even thinking. I laughed and tugged her hair gently.

"Come on, princess," I said. She shrugged and nuzzled further into my chest, making my heart race and my suggestion suddenly seem stupid. I had an idea and grinned. "What if we went to the movies?"

She was still in my arms and then turned to me slowly, a smile creeping onto her face.

"Flight of the Navigator?" she asked, giddy. I laughed and nodded.

"Only the best for you, nerd," I replied, kissing her quickly. She giggled and threw her arms around me, pulling me back to her lips and kissing me harder.

"You so get me," she said between kisses, making my face flush and my stomach flip. I held her face in my hands and smiled at her. She kissed my nose and then rolled out of bed, scrambling to pull on the Metallica shirt that she loved to borrow. She turned to me, running her hands through her hair and pulling on a pair of jeans she had left weeks before. She crawled back onto the bed, kissing me softly. "I'm going to go brush my teeth and get ready."

Before I could reply, she disappeared to the bathroom, singing "Magic Dance" to herself. I grinned, setting my palm on my forehead and trying to calm my unbridled joy. I thought back months ago when I had thought I was never even going to talk to her. I was so glad I was brave and influenced us being partners in English.

"Do you want to invite Hellfire?" she called from the bathroom. I grinned. My friends were her friends now. They were our friends.

"Sure," I replied, rolling out of bed and pulling on a pair of sweatpants.

I trotted to my bathroom and as soon as I got there, I draped myself over her and started kissing her neck. She started giggling as she was applying the makeup she brought with her to stay the night. I set my chin on her shoulder and watched her, humming a tune to her that I couldn't place.

"Do you like Peter Gabriel?" she asked, looking at me in the mirror. She kissed my cheek before starting her eye makeup. "That song you're humming – it's 'In Your Eyes'. We danced to it last night."

I grinned and shrugged.

"I guess I do now," I replied. She grinned and leaned her head into mine.

"Get ready so we can get snacks before the movie," she ordered. I nodded and kissed her temple before dropping her and going to brush my teeth, excited about the day ahead with my girlfriend. 

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