Pasta Part Two

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I sighed, dreading going home. My professor let us go, thanking us for our time. I slowly packed my bag, wanting to delay my arrival as much as possible.

Eddie and I had gotten into a fight last night – it was so stupid, I had gotten upset with him because of the dishes, and it had quickly devolved. I was worried about a test today, and he had gotten no sleep the night before, so we were both testy. We were yelling at each other, each of us getting angrier and angrier, and had gone to bed furious with one another. I woke up before him, so I left without saying goodbye.

I started my way back to our apartment, hopping on a bus even though I had wanted to walk. That would have taken me hours. I sat down, pulling a book out of my bag and reading it as we made the way to my stop.

I was reading the Lord of the Rings series to Eddie's delight. He often checked in with me, asking where I was and giggling with delight as he told me "You're not going to believe what happens next."

I almost wanted to chuck the book out the window, but I knew once Eddie and I made up, he would be crushed. I sighed and leaned my head back. I glanced out the window, counting down to my stop.

Eddie was normally an incredible roommate – he did everything he could to distract me from homework, and truly tried to keep up with his share of our apartment. He was still trying to make the no clothes rule happen, but wasn't as successful. I loved living with him, and I loved being with him and I loved him. I just hated this fight.

We pulled to a stop, and I got up, slowly making my way out. I got off the bus and looked up at our apartment building. I really didn't want to go home. I trudged inside, checking our mail before I got on the elevator to get to the eighth floor.

I got to our door and started at it. I didn't want to go in. When Eddie and I fought, he was prone to moodiness, pouting like a five-year-old. It drove me crazy. It would be hours of this until he crawled into my lap and apologized, cooing his compliments and kissing me sweetly until I melted. I didn't want to deal with it tonight. I swung the door open, surprised by the scene.

"Shit!" Eddie yelped as he recoiled his hand from a boiling pot. He was cursing as he shook it, in pain. I dropped my bag and closed the door before going to him. He was surprised by my presence and smiled weakly when I took his hand.

"Let's get it under some cold water," I said, guiding him to the sink. He stood close to me as I held his hand under the water. He leaned into me, and I met him in the middle, pressing against him too.

"How bad is it?" he asked.

"It's not great," I replied, shutting the water off. I looked up at him. "What are you doing?"

He blushed and smiled nervously.

"I'm making you pasta," he replied. I felt my heart skip and smiled.

"You don't know how to cook," I teased. He looked down at his feet, his hand still in mine.

"I know but when we always make me pasta," he said. I leaned further into him, and he looked up at me. "I'm sorry, Go. I was tired—"

"No, I'm sorry, Eddie – I shouldn't have gotten so mad about that," I interrupted. He shook his head.

"I should have helped, princess," he sighed, pressing his forehead to mine. I smiled at him.

"Forgive me?" I asked. He grinned.

"Only if you forgive me," he quipped. I nodded and he wrapped an arm around me, pressing our bodies together. He held his burnt hand between us. "You left without saying goodbye this morning."

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