I grinned as Margot flitted around our apartment, talking a mile a minute and putting things away from our dinner.
"They are so excited to meet you, all they have asked about since we first became friends is 'when are we going to meet Eddie?' Or 'Is Eddie ever going to come around?' And, like, of course, all I do is talk about you—"
"Go, Go, Go," I interrupted gently, taking her shoulders one of the times she zoomed by. I grinned down at her and set a hand on the side of her face, tracing her cheek with my thumb. She smiled nervously, her cheeks flushing. I kissed each one of them gently and then her nose. "I'm excited to meet your friends, too."
Her grin grew and she rocked up on my toes, kissing me sweetly. She crinkled her eyes at me and set a hand on my chest.
"I've just been talking you up for a while, so I'm excited they get to meet my knight in shining armor," she replied, wrapping her arms around my neck. I pulled her in close to me and grinned at her.
"Well, I hope I live up to their expectations," I teased, leaning close to her face. She smiled wildly and kissed me before I could kiss her.
"You absolutely will, and then some," she whispered as she pulled away. I kissed her forehead and let her go as she trotted to our room. She paused before she went in and looked back at me. "Green dress tonight?"
I felt my heart catch and nodded excitedly before she giggled and disappeared into our room. I sighed happily and grabbed a beer from the fridge. I turned some music on and plopped onto our couch, content.
Tonight, I was meeting Margot's friends from class. I hadn't been able to meet them yet, my internship taking up a majority of my time and not aligning with their hangouts after class. So, Margot had intentionally planned a Friday night out at a bar she and I loved by our apartment so the friends she always told me about could finally meet me. I was full of excitement, ready to put faces to the names that had colored her stories for the last couple of months.
Margot traipsed out of our room into the living room, twirling in the green dress that had made an appearance many times in our relationship. She grinned at me and skipped over to me, crawling into my lap and wrapping her arms around my neck, making my heart pound. I looked up at her, delighted with how excited she was. She was so thrilled to show me off and have me know her friends. It was so different from the version of Margot when we first started dating.
"Can I ask a favor?" she asked, tracing a design on my chest. I slid my hands up her back and pulled her close.
"You could ask me to cut my arm off while you're sitting like this, and I'd probably say yes, princess," I replied. She grinned and kissed me.
"You and your lines," she quipped. I grinned and scratched her back softly. "Do you think you could wear that black shirt and flannel I like so much?"
I tugged on her hair, smiling wider when she flushed.
"Princess, are you trying to get me all dressed up?" I teased. Her mouth twisted into a nervous smile.
"I may or may not have talked about how hot you are, a lot, and I like that shirt and flannel on you," she replied meekly. I smiled and pulled her to my lips.
"You and your lines," I repeated back to her between kisses. She laughed and rolled off me, helping me stand. I kissed her forehead and went to our closet to change into the clothes she requested. I came back out, grinning as she pulled her purse over her shoulder. She blushed, holding her hand out for me to take. I laced my fingers with hers, kissing her quickly.
"So handsome," she said quietly, almost to herself, as we left and locked the door behind us. I snaked my arm around her waist as we started out to our night, kissing her temple.

Beauty and the Dork
FanfictionMargot Patterson is everything that Eddie Munson is not, but everything that he is desperate to have. His friends know it, Hellfire knows it, and he's not subtle with his staring. When he plays his hand to become her partner for an assignment, he do...