A Fighting Chance

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I awkwardly followed Margot into her house, overwhelmed by how well kept it was. She slipped her shoes off, traipsing around her foyer. I started walking behind her until she turned with a grimace.

"What? What did I do wrong?" I asked, glancing around. She laughed and shook her head.

"You didn't do anything wrong – can you take your shoes off though? Mom's a stickler," she explained. I nodded and started peeling my boots off, trying not to tip over. She thanked me as I set my boots by my bag, and we padded to her kitchen. I glanced around awkwardly.

"Your house is nice," I commented. She smiled and pulled two glasses out of a cabinet.

"Thanks – it's a little stuffy for my taste, but I guess it's home," she replied.

I smiled at her and watched her as she poured us both a glass of water, handing me one. She nodded towards the kitchen table, setting her glass down and pulling our book choices out of her bag. She grinned as she sat down, inviting me to join.

"Which book do you want to start with?" I asked, sitting down next to her. She looked at me and her smile grew.

"I honestly want to start The Hobbit – especially after meeting the ferocious Shelob," she replied, nudging me with her elbow. I flushed deeply and looked down, still embarrassed. She started writing down an outline and we talked through how we wanted to approach our discussions and essays.

We continued to work together, Margot serious and focused, walking through her different ideas. I couldn't help but watch her as she furrowed her brows and wrinkled her nose – she was so entrancing. She looked up at me, catching me staring. I quickly looked away, feeling my face heat. She closed her book and sighed. She leaned back in her chair.

"That feels like a good start, right? We'll need to keep meeting like this, but I think we've got a good outline," she announced. I smiled tightly and nodded at her, also closing my book. I decided to push my luck.

"You want to meet tomorrow after school? I could give you a ride again," I offered. She grinned and stood, grabbing our water glasses to refill them.

"I would say yes normally, but I'm throwing a party tomorrow night – Jason and I are going to buy supplies after school," she answered, pouring water in our cups and crossing back to me. I tried to hide my disappointment.

"Oh, duh – obviously," I replied. You idiot – tomorrow was Friday, of course she had plans. I glanced up at her. "Have you and Jason been dating for a while?"

"Jason and me?" she sputtered, looking at me incredulously. I felt my face flush.

"Oh, sorry, I just assumed—"

"No, no – it's fine," she laughed, shaking her head. "Jason seems to like that people think that – I keep telling him to cool it."

I nodded. I understood why he would want people to think he was dating her – anyone would want people to think they were dating Margot Patterson. I stood and picked my bag up.

"Well, I'm going to hit the road – thanks for letting me come over," I said, still flushing.

"Sure thing – thanks for coming over!" she responded, walking in front of me. She opened the front door for me, leaning against it and grinning wildly. I smiled at her and walked out, trying to play it cool. I turned around, shooting finger guns and immediately hating myself.

"I'll catch you on the flipside, Margot," I quipped, immediately feeling my face turn red. She raised her eyebrows and nodded.

"Most definitely," she replied, awkwardly returning my finger gun gesture. I hated myself so much. I turned on my heel, racing to my van before I could further embarrass myself.


I slammed my locker shut, hoisting my bag over my shoulder and jamming my hands in my pockets. Dustin bounded towards me, grinning ear to ear.

"How did it go last night?"

I flushed, remembering how I had embarrassed myself in front of Margot. I shrugged, looking at my feet as we walked to class.

"It was fine – I managed to be a fucking dork plenty of times."

"You didn't tell her about Shelob, did you?" he asked. I looked at him, wincing. He groaned and rolled his eyes. "Eddie, come on – don't you want a fighting chance?"

"Well, you didn't help being her personal D&D tutor!" I snapped. He groaned again and shoved my arm, making me laugh. I ruffled his hair and smiled at him. He looked ahead and his eyes widened.

"Hey, Margot!" he greeted. My stomach dropped and I turned my head, my face flushing. Margot was in a tight sweater and capri pants, her dark hair half up in her scrunchie. I smiled nervously as she beamed at us.

"Hi, Dustin! Eddie – I've been looking for you all morning!"

"You've been looking for me?" I asked, panicked. She smiled and nodded.

"I realized that I was a total asshole yesterday – I told you about my party, but I didn't invite you. So, I wanted to make sure you got the invite."

I felt my ears start to ring. What did she say?

"I know it's last minute, and you probably already have plans—"

"He doesn't have plans! He'll be there!" Dustin exclaimed, elbowing me in the side and bringing me out of my stupor. Did Margot Patterson just ask me to go to a party? She grinned at Dustin.

"Well, I would invite you, Dustin, but I think you're a little young," she replied. She looked up at me, still smiling. "Hope to see you tonight, Eddie – feel free to bring anyone you want!"

And with that, she turned on her heel and started walking towards her class. I was in a stupor, absolutely stunned and confused. Dustin turned to me, placing his hands on my shoulder and shaking me.

"Munson! You got invited to a Margot Patterson party!" he cheered. I was still shocked, not believing of what happened. I stared at him, wide-eyed.

"Why would you agree to that for me?" I asked, panicked. 

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