Magic Dance

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Eddie clambered off of me, talking a mile a minute and giddy. I propped myself up on my elbows and watched him, grinning. He turned to me, beaming, and pounced on me for one more kiss.

"Okay, okay – I'm going to go get Shelob ready. I can be back here around six? Does that work?" he asked, holding my face in my palms. I grinned at him and gripped his shirt, pulling him back to my lips and kissing him hard. He pulled back, bright red and smiling. "I'm going to take that as a yes."

I nodded and stood, prompting him to follow me. We started down the stairs, Eddie still chattering to himself, and I smiled to myself. I couldn't tell if New or Old Margot was excited – I think it was both.

"Oh, Eddie – before you leave!"

Before we got to the front door, we turned to my father. He strolled over to us, something in his hand. He pressed it into Eddie's hand, grinning.

"I appreciate your enthusiasm about my books," he said. Eddie looked down – my dad had given him a copy of the original Crown and The Shadow book, with his signature on the front. Eddie's eyes widened and he looked up at my dad.

"Sir, are you sure?" Eddie asked, stupefied. My dad laughed and nodded, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Absolutely – we've got plenty of copies. I think Margie's gone through three herself," my dad replied, winking at me. I felt my face flush – was my dad going to blow my cover to Eddie?

"Thank you, sir, thank you so much, I can't tell you how much I appreciate this, sir," Eddie gushed, shaking my dad's hand. My dad nodded and patted Eddie on the shoulder before dropping his hand and padding back to the living room. Eddie turned back to me, staring at the book in his hand like it was the Holy Grail itself.

"You alright?" I asked, teasing him. He looked back up at me, his grin goofy and silly. He bounded towards me, his face close and stopping when he realized we were no longer in my room by ourselves. He placed a hand on the side of my face, tracing my cheek with his thumb softly. I was thrown off by the intimacy of the gesture.

"I can't wait for tonight," he whispered.

I felt my stomach flip and smiled up at him, nodding. I opened the door for him, and he took my hand, squeezing it as he walked out. He turned to me and shot me finger guns, our new tradition, it seemed. I watched him climb into Shelob, smiling as he waved at me. He zoomed away and I shut the door, still fluttery from his touch.

I floated to the kitchen, needing a glass of water to calm down. I started pouring myself a glass, my mind racing with New Margot thoughts. Why was I doing this? Why was I risking everything I had worked for? Why did I feel this way?

"That Eddie seems like a wonderful new friend."

I nearly jumped out of my skin at my dad's voice. I turned to him and let out a sigh, smiling at him.

"You scared me!"

"Is he a friend?" he asked, still pushing the issue. I took another sip of water and didn't look at him.

"We're partners for an English project," I replied, trying to evade the question he was actually asking. He leaned against the counter, crossing his arms.

"So, you hang out with a lot of project partners outside of school, on the weekends?" he pushed, raising an eyebrow. I flushed.

"This is a really important project," I insisted. He raised his eyebrows and nodded, feigning that he agreed with me. I flushed and tried to slink out of the kitchen. I was unsuccessful as he followed me to the living room.

"He reminded me of the kids you used to hang out with – he seems like a really kind, young man," my dad continued. I felt my stomach drop – this was what New Margot was afraid of. That Eddie was like the people I used to be around. I gnawed at my thumbnail and tried to smile at him.

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